SDGs in English One Day Out, 03 November 2019
As the volunteer of teaching SDGs in order to transform the world. I have done my duty, to teach and share SDGs to students and teachers in Pasuruan area. #LearnTeachSDGs #EODO2K19 Thank you to The Lady BBless Humanitarian Foundation that teach me SDGs. #TLBBHF. Thanks to MGMP Bahasa Inggris Kabupaten Kota Pasuruan. Thanks to David Pradhan to help me lead the discussion about SDGs with the students. Thank to Iro Umm for the help of sending David Pradhan to join my activity at the Botanical Garden, 03 November 2019. Thanks to all students and teachers from Pasuruan who joined the activities. Especially thanks so much to my youth ambassador and their parents who gave contribution much and prepared everything to make the event run well. I love you all. Let's transform the world together. Spread Love and Wisdom through SDGs.
"David Pradhan" from India as the university student of UMM was teaching SDGs |
Wide Game in Post 1: Puzzle Game and Message |
Wide Game in Post 2: Collaboration in wearing "saroong" this is the expression of SDG 17 |
Wide Game in Post 3: Spelling Bee |
Wide Game in Post 4: taking care of flour. This is the expression of SDG 2 that we have to take care of food |
Wide Game in Post 5: Water game; take care of water. This is the expression of SDG 6 |
My SDGs Youth Ambassadors |
My SDGs Youth Ambassadors |
two university students from UMM that also joined our activities |
Taking a photo together with the Director of Education of Pasuruan Area |
All committee of English One Day Out 2019, from different schools but work together to make collaboration
(SDG 17)
"Spread Love and Wisdom
through SDGs"