Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Bringing Museums to Schools Project



SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari - TLBBH Foundation

(To achieve SDG 4) 

A year ago I was trying to do SDG4 at my school by "Bringing museums to schools Project". I was supported by TLBBH Foundation and also museums in UK gave me the permission to use their photos in my Museum Project.

At that time I was planning to hold it for 13 months from December 2019 to December 2020, but it was only 3 months: December, January and February 2020. Then it stopped because of some reasons, one of the reason was because of Covid 19. The school was closed!.

I was full of spirit at that time, I wanted to achieve SDG4. I wanted to make my students have a lot of information about museums in other countries and also museum in my country. I have contacted some museums in other countries to get permissions to display their photos in my project. I also came to visit museums in my country to get the photos to display. I used my own money to buy the things that I needed in making or holding that project even I have spent my money to go to Museum of The First President of Indonesia in Blitar and stayed for a night there.

The museums were:

a. Museum of London (December 2019) 

b. Museum of London Docklands ( December 2019)

c. Mpu Purwa Museum in Malang, East Java ( January 2020)

d. Ganesha Museum in Malang, East Java ( January 2020)

e. Natural History Museum in London ( February 2020)

f. Sukarno Museum in Blitar, East Java ( March 2020....still planning) the school was closed


I found that principal, teachers and students were more interested in the display racks than seeing and reading the photos. They wanted to have the display racks to do their activities. Actually they had ideas to do like what I was doing but the problems were on the fund. They did not have the ability or were no brave to sacrifice to do it.  I used my own money and every month had to spent for displaying photos and also bought the display racks for the first month.

It seemed that all person at my school had different perspectives in museum project, That's why I did not get the optimal response from the school. Many heads must be many opinions.  Actually the power of principal had the powerful decision. I got the permission to do museum project only permission, still need optimal support from the powerful person at my school. I was so disappointed because only 2 or 3 teachers of 70 teachers that used my museum project for teaching. I found that Changing the mindset of teachers is more difficult than changing the mindset of students. 

Then how to make Indonesia achieve SDG4 if we do not hand in hand to improve the quality education? If there are still many different opinions about something that someone is doing then some persons still focus on the selfishness then we have to stuck at the place where we stand forever while other countries are running to achieve SDGs. 

Due to Covid 19, maybe I have to learn how to make virtual museum project so that the students can visit it from their homes. What I have to think is that the virtual museum must be like online games, I think it will be more interesting than the displayed photos. Who can teach me to do it? I still have some homework I have to do ........


In December - Photos from Museum of London and Museum of London Docklands


Sabil was helping me to display the photos. There were about 120 photos that displayed


Naufal was helping me to put the photos on the display racks


I asked some students to arrange the photos again when they found the photos almost fell from the display racks.


I was so happy when I found my students visited my museum project 


To make them visit the museum project, as the teacher I forced them to visit it 


The students that visited my project were the students in the classes I taught


They wanted to visit because I gave them assignment that they had to do by using the photos in the museum project


When they went home they could spend a while to visit the museum project


Sometimes I helped them by explaining the photos


I had to move the display rack in order to be safe. It seemed that students and teachers did not like the display racks was put there because they felt that the racks disturbed their way to walk


The second month of exhibition 
The photos of Mpu Purwa Museum and Ganesha Museum


Every morning I found my museum project in this condition. I myself had to put all photos one by one and put them again on the display racks
Some said that the wind and the rain blew them but my students said that there may be something else.


I moved the museum project to other side in order to be safe and wished that students were curious to see, and read them but they just passed the museum project without being curious. How to make students, teachers curious ? Or maybe my museum project was not interesting for them.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Students' Blogs of IPS 3 2020

 Students' Blogs of IPS 3 2020

1.Ajeng Titi Karunia

2.Alfiyyah Firdausi Nasywa

3.Berlian Ayu Rhiski Kurnia Dewi

4.Diana Fitriah

5.Dito Triyono

6.Dwi Sasmita Wijayati

7.Eka Saifi Rijal

8.Fajar Rizky Lusianto

9.Feby  Aulia Rahmah

10. Heni Susilowati

11. Ima Salsabillah

12. Irsyad Ubaidillah

13. Jaka Dwi Prasetiyo

14. Jefri Ardianza

15. Khoirul Huda

16. Komariyatul Ilmi

17. M. Husni

18. Maritah Mayangsari

19. Miftachul Agustin Safitri

20. Miranda Syafiya Maharani

21. Muhammad Dava

22. Muhammad Helmi Lazuard Firdaus

23. Mukhammad David Aprilianto

24. Nefa Febrianti

25. Novi Dwi Puspitasari

26. Pijar Septa Pratama

27. Raehan Akbar Dwi Susiyanto

28. Retno Wahyu Ningsih

29. Reyhan Firdaus

30. Riyan Afrizal  Bramanta

31. Rovica Maulidyah

32. Salsabilah Rachma

33. Shello Illa Putri Hartanto

34. Sovi Dwi Wulandari

35. Susi Herawati

36. Zahwa Aiska Salsabila

What did the PISA 2018 global competence test assess, and why is it impo...

Monday, October 19, 2020

Students' Blogs of IPS 2 2020

 Students' Blogs of IPS 2 2020

1. Abim Kartawansyah

2. Achmad Hamdani Rosyidin

3. Adellia Nabila Saputri

4. Adien Islam Hidayat

5. Adinda Rachma Ayu

6. Alvin Khabi Pratama

7. Andini Eka Lestari

8. Anisatus Solikha

9. Ardian Rizqi Setyanto

10. Devina Meilani

11. Dimas Lailatul Magfiroh

12. Fahrizal Trio Sevantino

13. Fina Hikmatur Roza

14. Haikal Antar Ariq

15.  Harum Rimba Permata Faisal

16. Ida Faridah

17. Inayatul Maula Afandina

18. Lian Febri Kurniawan

19.Malinda Khoirutita Vania

20.Moch. Adip Al Karim

21.Muhamad Bastiyan Ahda

22.Muhamad Shyevi

23.Muhammad Dimas Fajar Ramadhani

24.Muhammad Ervan Al Faruq

25.Nirmala Amahala

26.Nita Noviasari

27.Nurul Dwi Anggraeni

28.Nurul Isnaini Ramadhani

29.Putri Septia Sari

30.Reza Kurnia Sya’bana

31.Riski Navira

32.Sandi Wijaya

33.Shella Wulandari

34.Sheva Aisyah Febriola

35.Sifana Wanda Safitri

36.Yessy Puspita Ningrum

Students' Blogs of IPS 1 2020

 Students' Blogs of IPS 1 2020

1. Achmad Muzaqi Rafi Ramadhan

2. Agus Hardianto

3. Atha Yafi Subekti

4. Bistok Hasudungan Tambunan

5. Dea Intan Aulia

6. Dila Rosa Ramadhani

7. Dwi Yunia Shandra Anggraeny

8. Elisa Monica

9. Faiqoh Salwa Nabila

10. Farah Assyifa Qothrunnada

11. Firda Adhaniyah

12. Fransiska Natalia Christy

13. Inas Hanifah

14. Jingga Septi Ayu Putri Nur Hakim

15. Kevin Mahrus Ali

16. Kusnia Idela Ayu Safitri

17. Lutfiyah Sabrinah

18. Mar’atul Jamilah


19. Muhammad Adi Sutanto

20. Muhammad Atah Ullah

21. Muhammad Firman Romadhoni

22. Muhammad Nur  Syafirzal

23. Muhammad Sadad Zidane

24. Rendy Febriyan Taufik Kha

25. Reni Anggraini

26. Riska Putri Amelia

27. Rizka Maulidia

28. Rizqiyah Saputri Dewi

29. Salsabillah Berlian Yohana Prasetiyani

30. Shafina Tri Lestari

31. Silvia Wulan Dari

32. Sofyan Firmansyah

33. Suci Alifia Anggraeni

34. Tegar Pribadi Putra

35. Wulan Novianti

36. Yanuar Zidane Alfarozaky


Monday, September 14, 2020

Students' Blogs of 12 MIPA 6

 Students' Blogs of 12 MIPA 6 

1.    Agung Nugraha

2.    Alda Ellysia Ayudya

3.    Ananda Jihan Syavira

4.    Annisa Aulia Dzikrillah

5.    Audyta Nabila Sukmarani

6.    Aura Putri Syarafina Sukmadewi

7.    Bilgis Yasmin Jinan

8.    Cahya Dewi Fania Sari

9.    Cheryl Firdausi Pramita

10. Citra Nur Imania

11. Coppalista Amanda Emilia Putri

12. Danuarta Julian Siswanto

13. Della Sofiatus Sa’ada

14. Inka Seira

15. Juwita Nur Radeana

16. Karina Yuanita Putri

17. Linda Amalia

18. Lintang Nur Wahyundaru


19. Liony Putri Gusti Setyasti

20. Mega Yuni Lestari

21. Mochammad Faizin Firmansyah

22. Mochammad Zabid Ainun Ni’am

23. Muhammad Husni Angga Saputra

24. Muhammad Sahrul Frimansyah

25. Muhammad Taufik

26. Muzayada Mufila

27. Naufal Izaz Mahendra

28. Nofa Putri Setyawati

29. Rahmawati

30. Rizly Sativa Andani

31. Rossa Diva Maretta

32. Shania Lu’luk Il Maknun

33. Sindy Fatika Sari

34. Siti Khumairoh

35. Syafia Rahma Syafitri

36. Yoga Kania Cintya Putri

Capstone 2020: Teaching Procedure Text to Maintain the Living Heritage

This is the my capstone video in Winter 2020

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Students' Blogs of MIPA 2 2020

 Students' Blogs of MIPA 2 2020

1.    Adiel Laksono

2.    Adil Bagus Susilo

3.    Aisya Noor Fadilla Putri

4.    Alfariza Nailil Bashiroh

5.    Defrizal Ramadhana Sumanjajya

6.    Desinta Shalnabilla

7.    Desy Imelda

8.    Dewi Iris Prameswari

9.    Eriska Puspita Cahya Dewi

10. Icha Syabika Imani Naura

11. Ifania Ainurrohmah Masnifurrokhim

12. Karisma Atha Merfya

13. Khamidah Nur Mila Santi

14. Kladya Khoirunisa’ Hapsari

15. Laila Axnes Sintia

16. Muhammad Husnul Mafahim

17. Muhammad Rizal Akbar Athaya

18. Nabilah Revalita Andini

19. Najwa Alya Nurizzah

20. Nayla Setya Anindya

21. Niswatun Naini

22. Nova Adinda Ramadhany

23. Novika Ardila

24. Nur Aini

25. Nuril Fadhila

26. Putri A’isyah Tri Andini Hariadi

27. Putri Wulandari

28. Raditya Zacky Athaillah

29. Ridha Lestari

30. Sania Candra Nurlaili

31. Silva Rahmaniya Arunita Sahara

32. Siska Prasetyaning D.

33. Tiara Nabilasari

34. Tiracay Unfi Auliya

35. Tri Eka Setiawan

36. Wahyu Rahmad Aji

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