“ Always think positively for what Allah does on us in order to understand Him”
When I went home from my work, I took a walk in order that I could find the lessons from Allah on the way to my house. I stepped my feet slowly and put my eyes to the left, to the right side and around my way.
I asked Allah where the lesson that I could get today. I always want to get the new lessons that I could give them to others, and I knew that the lessons from the nature is really more wonderful that the lessons from the books that I could buy from the shops.
Then suddenly I caught the wonderful view in front of the house in the left side of my way, I stepped my feet more slowly in order to know what was happening in that house. I saw a crying dog. It was hold by three persons. One of them was showering the water on the body of their dog, and one of them was rubbing the soap, and the other was just holding the dog.
I was trying to find the lesson from that wonderful view. I knew that it was the lesson too. Those persons wanted to make their dog became a clean and pretty dog, that’s why they showered their dog. But the dog did not like the water, that’s why the dog was crying loudly. Those persons were the owners of the dog, they did it because they loved their dog much. If the dog understood that what they were doing was the proof of their love, the dog should must not run from them, or just let its body to be showered and rubbed with soap. Though the dog was crying loudly, it let them do it. So that activity was done in a short time and run well. But if the dog behaved badly that made the activity could not be done well, it would take a lot of time and made the dog itself suffering.
What was happening on that dog, actually was the parable for the human beings too. We can learn from that lesson. Human beings are very dirty with the sin that they do or they have done in their life. And Allah is the owner of this world, He loves human beings and He wants to clean the human beings from their sin. He cleans or washes human beings from the sin through many ways such as via illness that they get. Human beings do not like to get the illness because it was really painful. But if human beings really understand what the purpose of it or what is the wisdom from that illness that they get, human beings will ask repentance to Allah. They will change their behaviors, and illness can clean their heart from their sin. They can become good persons in this world. They will look prettier and more handsome. That is true beauty.
So if people can understand that what Allah has the purpose in making something happen on them, they should not make the activity difficult to be done. Suffering is only made by the people themselves.