What is "H"?
Happy. Why is happy very important in the process of learning-teaching English? If the students feel happy, they will join the class and follow the process of learning-teaching English enthusiastically. At least they attend the class and receive the lesson.
What is "C"?
Communicative. The students will be communicative if they are happy and enjoy the situation of the class. They will interact with their friends. They speak with their friends. They speak with their friends and discuss the materials.
What is "C"?
Creative. If the students are happy, they will communicative and if they are communicative, they will be creative to create the activities. In this case, the students must be given the chance to create the activities by themselves. They compete to teach their friends positively in order to get the good mark or score and also to make their friends happy.
- They can learn more about English vocabularies.
- They can have more confidence because they must teach their own friends in front of the class.
- They can create their activities and give the different situation because every meeting the materials and the teachers are different.
- They do not feel bored and it makes them enjoy the lesson.
- Besides getting knowledge, they can also get entertainment from the materials such as listening to the songs, watching films, doing games, etc.
(The background of using HCC Method)
- afraid to make mistake
- confused about grammar and use the words
- do not understand the sentences
- lack of self confidence
- shy
- nervous
- lack of attention
- lack of interest
- need of motivation
- In the first time of meeting, the teacher tells the students what materials should be given in that semester. The teacher gives an example of the way of teaching English for one week or for one topic. Then the teacher divides the class into groups (it depends on the topics that they must master in that semester). Let the students with the groups create the activities by themselves. The teacher tells the students that they must teach listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
- The teacher should be able to give motivation which can make students more confident in teaching their friends in front of the class.
- Let the students use their favorite songs in developing their listening skill (once in a week, about 45 minutes) by blanking some words of the song text and ask them to complete them. It can make students happy and relax. (the way to make students happy)
- Ask the students to use different materials although the topics are the same, so every class does not have the same materials and activities. The groups are responsible in giving the materials. The materials should be given/distributed when they teach, so the materials are challenging and new.
- In giving the homework, the group that teach in that time give the homework, then check and give the mark/score for their friends' works. The mark/score of the homework must be given to the teacher.
- In giving the test, the teacher makes the materials of the test by herself, then ask students to do the test and ask them to check and give mark by themselves. In this case the teacher should be able to persuade the students to do the test honestly.
- In order to make the situation become alive, use activities which can make students cheerful such as: using password in the opening and closing meeting, e.g.:
- Spell this word 3 times! E-N-G-L-I-S-H
- Read this word 3 times! English
- Say this word! YES
One of some which can influence the result of studying is MOTIVATION. In using HCC Method, the teacher should be able to rouse motivation of the students. If he/she wants to be successful in applying that method.
1. What can motivate students to study more enthusiastically?
- If they are sure that what they are studying is useful for them.
- If they are sure that they can master what they are studying.
- If they are studying in pleased situation.
- Meaningful activities. The materials are useful for their future life.
- Help students to get their target.
- Rouse their confidence.
- Make a good relationship among students and the teacher.
- Use innovative method in teaching.
- Develop their interest and their hobbies.
- Make groups in studying.
I am interested in applying ur method in my class. I hope this makes my students enjoy and like english more.
ReplyDeleteYou are really a wonderful person.I wonder what in your mind is.Everything you have written is useful for human being