Character education can be given through many kinds of activities whether indoor or outdoor. In this case I tried to use games that can be done indoor. That is a game, jigsaw puzzles that have to be done or played using computers. The caharcters can be developed in these games such as: honesty, responsibility, courage, diligence, and etc.

We can see how many teachers are trying to do the jigsaw puzzles together in the picture. This activity can make the teachers to learn how to be more patient in arranging the parts of the picture. They can also learn how to be honest and etc. And because this game is familiar for the children, so this activity is useful for them as the relaxation activity. When it is given as a competition among them, it can teach them the character: honesty, courage, fairness, respect, etc. This is a really exciting activity not only for the children but also for the adults if it is given via computers.
Try to play the
Games to learn or improve your character!
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