'love and wisdom' as the basic of my teaching - dianahera63@gmail.com - Ex- teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari, Pasuruan - Indonesia
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SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari with SOS4Love Project
SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari with SOS4Love Project 2020 Students' Blogs of 11 IPS 1 Students' Blogs of 11 IPS ...

This is the assignment for students XII IPA 1&2, XII Language Program and XII accelerated class The following text is a review text, re...
The Magic of Mushkil Gusha A Tale of Iran Told by Aaron Shepard Once in the royal city of Isfahan, there was an old woodcutter who liv...
Narrative actually has the main purpose. It is to send the moral messages through the stories themselves. It is a kind of example of how to ...
1.be thankfull with what you have
ReplyDelete2.beauty is not everything
3.don't be jelous with other people have
4.we should be helping
5.do not respond to kindness with evil
i take some example from moral massage number 4
She promised to cook and look after them.
the Dwarfs built a glass coffin and put her in it. For days she lay in the forest in her glass coffin.
1.be carefull with anything give by other people
ReplyDelete2.we must be politely in every where
3.be grathefull with anything you have
4.we must to care with everyone
5.we must be kindness to other people
i give example from moral value number one
The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch, took a poisoned apple and set out for the Dwarfs cottage. She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple, she sank into unconsciousness.
1. We must always grateful to the god
ReplyDelete2. Don't have nature of envy
3. Don't be too trusting in people
4. We must helping in other people
5. Don't be evil people
I take some people from moral message number 3,
in the story snow princess eating apples that were supplied by a wicked old grandmother, while her grandmother did not know it. And in the end he had to eat the poisonous apple the old woman gift that makes him evil.
For that we should be careful in people who do not we know we are familiar or new.
ReplyDeleteThe problem of this story
1.Snow white was to be bad treated by her queen.The queen gave orders that Snow white was to be treated as a servant.
2.The queen as very angry when she asked to her magic miror "Who is the fairest in the land?"and the magic miror answered, Snow white was the fairest in the land.
3.The queen gave orders to one of her huntsman to take Snow white into the woods and kill her.
4.The queen was set out for the dwarfs cotage ,she gave snow white the poisoned apple to eat and as soon as she bit the apple , she sank into unconsciousness
The moral value
1.Be a good person
2.Don't easily angered to the other people
3.We must grateful to the God about what god has given to us
4.Don't be jealous to the other people
I give example from moral value number one
The queen gave orders to one of her huntsman to take Snow white into the woods and kill her
1. we must thanks full whit what we have.
ReplyDelete2. don't envy to another people
3. do not hurt others even hate
4. do not get someone else to do evil
5. we must reject if in order to do evil
6.we must help the person being trouble even if we only knew him
7.we should share and give
8. do not be prejudiced on other
example from moral message no.6
in the story the dwarf help snow white alhtogh theyonly knem her.
in real live we must help other people for example if in the road we meet some people who begging we must give him / her according to our ability
Do not envy other people
ReplyDeletegrateful for what god given to us
menghalakan do not in any way
For example:
In the story the queen ordered aides to kill snow white because they feel jealous of beauty in milikinya
beauty is not everything
menguur do something of the appearance or beauty
I give example from a moral message number 2
typically view others as more beautiful or more perfect than we are, we would feel if god is not fair to us.
Ardyani Eka Y XII IA 1/18
ReplyDeleteThe Problems ofThis Story are:
1. This new queen wicked and hated Snow White and then her magic mirror said that Snow White was the fairest in the land,so the queen was very angry.
2. Snow White entered to Dwarfs's house.
3. The Queen discovered where Snow White was living and disguising herself as a witch and She gave Snow White the poisoned apple to eat.
The Moral Value of This Story :
1.We should be thankful with to God with what we have.
2. Do not enter other people's houses without the owners permission.
3. We must help each other.
4. Do not easily trust with other people.
5. We must be careful with strangers.
I give example from moralmessage number 3:
In the story the Dwarfs help Snow White who have a problem allowing her to stay with them although they do not know Sno White.
1. a virtue would be rewarded with good evil and
ReplyDeletevice versa would also be rewarded with evil.
2. grateful for what god given .
3. Do not have a jealous nature to anyone.
_I explain for the moral massage number 2_]
we live in this world are always grateful for whatever our circumstances.
for example god give every person the advantages and disadvantages in any case, although sometimes someone that looks perfect in the eyes of us but there's only weakness of these people because God was unfair in any way.
thankful wrote what is implied in it.
The Moral Value of This Story :
ReplyDelete1. we are always grateful for what we get.
2. do not be jealous.
3. we must help each other
4. we should not be too trusting with other people's words.
5. a kindness will be repaid with kindness as well and be rewarded with ugliness ugliness.
I'll give an example of moral massage number 3 :
--> for example when there is a grandmother who wanted to cross the road when the highway was crowded, so we must help the old woman.
Dessy Aini F
ReplyDeleteWe must accept what existence of God given
Should not be arrogant with our beauty because it all belongs to God
Do not hate people to much
Do not feel himself the most beautiful
Beauty is not viewed from the face but from the heart
i give example moral massage for number 3
The queen gave orders that Snow White was to be treated as a servant.
1. Do not envy other people
ReplyDelete2. grateful for what god given to us
3. do not be in any way
For example:
In the story the queen ordered aides to kill snow white because they feel jealous of have beauty
4. beauty is not everything
5. don't see something of the appearance or beauty
I give example from a moral message number 2
typically view others as more beautiful or more perfect than we are, we would feel if god is not fair to us.
1.we must always grateful for what god gave to us.
ReplyDelete2.should always help each other.
3.bad deeds will be rewarded with a bad thing too.
4.do not be envious of others with excess.
5.Do not easily believe the man who had known or not known.
I'll explain the moral value number 4:
for example,if our neighbors bought a new car
we should go happy not even envy them and vilify them ... because maybe god had other plans for us.
we must grateful which god given to us.
Narrative Assignment
ReplyDeletemoral values which we can learn from this story is:
1. Be thankful for all the gifts God has given to us.
2. Act loving toward others
3. Do not easily believe in the people that we do not know
4. Do not be jealous of the advantages of others
5. Be nice to everyone.
6. Do not want to if asked in a crime.
Example in the real life:
I will explain the moral value in number 1.
we must be grateful to all the gift god has given to we in a way that we always carry out his orders and stay away from all of its ban. for example we want to have a laptop then we do not enough money to buy a laptop then you should we have to save some pocket money so that we can buy a laptop. And if we do not enough money to buy it then we should not ask we parents to be forced.
moral value from the story :
ReplyDelete1. do not be jealous of other people,
because every human being has the advantages and disadvantages of each.
2. we must always give thanks to God for what God has given us
3. we must help everyone who needs help
4. do not easily trust a new person we know
example no 1 :
if our friend has a new item (new hp), and we do not have stuff like that he's got, then do not be envious of friends because Allah SWT has had a plan behind all this.
Moral value :
ReplyDeleteWe must always good treatment with other people
We must always help other people
we don’t envy with other people
we must greatfull with anything we have
we should not obey the command that is not good
for example:
my friend have new handphone,,,,,,,,,,,actually her phone more better than my phone but i think my phone is enough for me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,so i’m not envy with my friend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Moral value:
ReplyDelete1.We don’t bad treatment with other people
2.Do not differentiate yourself with other people
3.Should be thankful with what we have
4.We must help his fellow men
5.Do not adhere to misbehave
for example number 4:
I have a bag that had long,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, though all my friends have a new bag I remain grateful,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, with what I have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
12 IPA1/31
1.Dont be envy to other people who has good phisycal more better than us
ReplyDelete2.Gratefull with everything we have
3.Give a good treatment to other people even though they give us a bad treatment
4.We must help other people
5.Be a people who have a kind heart and with our kind heart we dont do bad command
6.With love, anything impossible can be possible
7.Dont trust person easily, the most person who cant trust easily is a person who just now we know
8.Somehow we need a good reason to accept person to live with us
9.Try so hard to get and looking for what we want, such as knowledge, love and wealthy
10.Beautiful phisycal isnt everything
11.Say anything honestly
Explain number 3
“give a good treatment to other people even though they give us a bad treatment”
many people hope to be treated well by everyone. but sometimes there are some people who insulted, and did not treat us well. but let us not respond with the same thing too, because we do not know why people are not like us. but we should respond with something that is good because with it we can melt his heart and make him like us.
Moral value:
ReplyDelete1.We don’t bad treatment with other people
2.Do not differentiate yourself with other people
3.Should be thankful with what we have
4.We must help his fellow men
5.Do not adhere to misbehave
for example number 4:
I have a bag that had long,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, though all my friends have a new bag I remain grateful,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, with what I have,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
moral messages:
ReplyDelete1.don't trust a strange people easily
2.beautifull isn't immutable
3.kindness will be replied with a kindness,and badness also will be replied with a badness too.
4.don't divinize an object
5.be patient with everything in front of you, because happiness come in time
explaination :
from moral message 3
snow white so patiently with bad treatment from her stepmother for example when she was know that she wanted to killed by her stepmother, and finally she got the best reply that was find her true love.otherwise,'cause of jealousy her stepmother with a beautifully snow white she got a bad reply.
moral messages:
ReplyDelete1.true love will be come in time
2.don't be jealous with another people
3.greatfull with everything that you have.
4.we'll get reply from what we've done
5.simple alive more safe than luxurious life
from moral message 1st
snow white never looked for her true love but finally she could find her true love with her kindness
moral messages:
ReplyDelete1.gratefull with everything which you have
2.don't be jealous with another people enjoyment
3.poorness didn't impairing someone to do a good thing
4.help an affliction someone
5.it's better not to do a harmful to other people
from moral message 3rd
the dwarfs wasn't rich people but they want to help snow white without a profit.
moral messages:
ReplyDelete1.be careful with a new people around of us
2.should always help each other.
3.bad deeds will be rewarded with a bad thing too.
4.do not be envious of others with excess.
5.Do not easily believe the man who had known or not known.
from moral messages 1st
snow white wasn't carefull with new people who she met,thats proven,snow white accept a givig from a new people not carefully
moral messages:
ReplyDelete1. we must gratefull with everything we have.
2. don't envy to another people
3. do not get someone else to do evil
4.we must help the person being trouble even if we only knew him
5.we should share and give anyone
from moral message 1st
the snow white's stepmother was beaautifull but she never grateful with that,so she did everything to remove her rival.
moral message :
ReplyDelete1. Do not easily believe in the people that we do not know
2. be thankfull with everything we have
3. Be nice to many people
4. Do not have a jealous everything in other people
5. beauty is not everything
explanation :
from moral message 5st
the snow white stepmother worship her prettiness so that forget everything
moral message :
ReplyDelete1. don't believe to anybody easily
2. help the person who get some problem
3. be gratefull with everything you have
4. don't jealous with someone pleasure
5. beautiful is nothing
explanation :
from moral message 1st
every person has the properties of each, there are good and the bad. so we should not believe it because it is not necessarily good.
moral message :
ReplyDelete1. don't trush with stranger
2. gratefull anytime and anyplace
3. don't feel that a thing is a god
4. beauty is not everything
5. find your true love
explanation :
from moral message 2nd
whenever and wherever we are, we always found a certain pleasure. but we never realize that the enjoyment comes from god. so we shall always be grateful.
moral message :
ReplyDelete1. owned perfection is not something eternal
2. what we do is that we get
3. be gratefull with what we get now
4. we must help everyone who needs help
5. we don’t envy with other people
explanation :
from moral message 3rd
if we have what we think is less, so accept it patiently with grateful,because behind the unlucky is have a benefit
moral message :
ReplyDelete1. we will get reply from what we have done
2. be carefull with stranger people
3. lie for a good thing is noble
4. nothing is eternal in this world
5. beautiful is not thing
explanation :
from moral message 4th
the snow white stepmother worhip beauty but actually beautifully is nothing.
1.Nobody is perfect in the world
ReplyDelete.Everyone has a good and weaknesses; we have to be grateful to our god. Always be positive thinking sure that everyone is different so to be grateful to our weaknesses and use it to our best.
2.If we do a good things so we will get a good things too
.Always do something good and best to other people however we did not recognize them. Be positive thinking to the other in order to make them feel good with us.
3.Only a Sincerity that will kill the bad things
.With the sincerity kissed of the prince snow white can be alive.
4.We have to be helpful to everyone
.We cannot be alone in the world so we will need some help from the other, and we also have to help someone that need it in order to make our life still in balance.
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ReplyDelete1. we shall always be grateful to what has
ReplyDeletebeen given to us by god
2. we must help each other
3. don't be arrogant people, because we have
been given advantages by the god
4. we have always positive thinking to the
other people
5. we should not be jealous of other people for
what has been given by god to that person
Diego seno P
ReplyDelete1. beauty is only temporary
2. we should not envy what god has given to
others people
3. we must always gratefull with what we have
4. don't be arrogant people
5. we must always halp friend who have problem
Arief Rizal Z
ReplyDelete1. beauty is not everything
2. do not be arrogant with what we have
3. don't be jealous of the advantages given by
god to others
4. be thanksfull with what god gift to us
5. we must be careful with giving other people
Cinderella story
ReplyDeletepRoblem: cindErella wanted to go to ball,but stepmother prohibited her to go and left cinderella at home
mOral message:
1.god always help and give way out for every problem if the people are good.
2.patient people will get lucky life the day after just like provert from arabic that called man sabaro zhafiro.
3.bad person will get repay of what they have doNe.
Fike tsaniyah
ReplyDeleteXII IPA2
Cinderella story
pRoblem: cindErella wanted to go to ball,but stepmother prohibited her to go and left cinderella at home
mOral message:
1.god always help and give way out for every problem if the people are good.
2.patient people will get lucky life the day after just like provert from arabic that called man sabaro zhafiro.
3.bad person will get repay of what they have doNe.
1. A stepmother should be nice to her stepson, as it has become a mother for her.
ReplyDelete2. Envy makes his personal attitude always want more than anyone else.
3. Someone who has a good heart would not be willing to commit a crime.
4. in everyday we must be a someone who is sensitive to the environment. When seeing something unusual, we must fix it immediately.
5. If we want to be treated well by others person.At the start of being kind to others person.
6. always be grateful for what we already have.
7. someone who really love someone, it will always look for his love wherever she go.
8. always willing to help someone, who was in need of help.
9. a good heart and love can bring a person live in happiness.
"explain number 4"
at some point, we saw the rain, but the clothing of our friends have not put in a boarding house. because the person does not exist or is away.if we are sensitive to the environment,we will immediately took it and put it into a boarding house. finally,the clothing of our friends remain dry.
dini dwi iriani/40/12 IA 1
ReplyDelete1.should be thankful with what God gave to us
2.every one has advantages and disadvantages of each
3.we should not envy the advantages possessed by another person
4.Do not do evil to others
5.patience in dealing with any problems that god gave to us
5.if we do something good then we'll get a good end too
6,beauty and handsome is not everything in this world
the moral message in the life
I will explain the message's number one morale
every person born in the world certainly has its advantages and disadvantages of each one's will but lack of it can be an advantage for others so we must remain thankful with all the advantages and disadvantages us because the god of all of them but from the deeds and our hearts, respectively individual
Dewi Yuni Farida Sari
ReplyDeleteXII-IA 1
1. we are always grateful for what we get.
2. do not be arrogant with what we have.
3. be gratefull with everything you have.
4. don't be arrogant people.
5. we should not be jealous of other people for
what has been given by god to that person.
1. we should be grateful for everything God gives us.
ReplyDelete2. patience will give happy ending.
3. badness should not replied by badness too.
4. facial beauty does not mean that if a bad heart.
5. every human being has advantages and disadvantages of each.
6. all the problems there must be a way out.
i will explain the moral value number 3
for example if there are people who do not like against us for any reason, we should not respond with hate. because one day we also need help from him or opposite.
chikmatul islamiyah
ReplyDeletex11 ipa 1
1.god always help and give way out for every problem if the people are good.
2.patient people will get lucky life the day after just like provert from arabic that called man sabaro zhafiro.
3.bad person will get repay of what they have doNe.
my explanation
we must be better than previously kitta should be able to adjust to new environments such as snow white he is able to live in places with good dwarf
Atik Yuliana
ReplyDeleteXII IA I / 20
Moral value :
1.Be a good person
2.We must help each other.
3.Do not have a jealous nature to anyone.
4.Do not easily believe the man who had known or not known.
5.Be a people who have a kind heart and with our kind heart we dont do bad command
My Explanation :
We can not live without the help of others. As the story is Snow White, Princess Snow helped by the dwarves to hide from the evil queen.
anis satul rosidah/ 15/XII IA 1
ReplyDeleteMoral value :
1.be thankfull with what you have
2.we must to care with everyone
3.Be a good person
4.Don't be jealous to the other people
5.we must help each other
I give explanation for example number 4:
we should not be jealous of the advantages possessed other people, because everyone has their own advantages that are not owned by someone else already governed by an all-powerful.
moral value:
ReplyDelete1.Be a good person
2.we must to care with everyone
3.beauty is not everything
4.We must helping in other people
5.we should share and give anyone
explanation number 4 :
everyone can not live without help from others, because we are social beings who need each other.
ReplyDeletemoral message:
1. beauty is not forever
2. beauty is not just on the outside only but must exist in the liver
3. jealous nature will not be able to resolve the problem
4. good people with good will on the back
5. true love will come by itself
moral message of the number 3:
One day the mirror replied Snow White was the fairest in the country, and with angry queen gave orders to one of the hunters to take Snow White into the woods and kill him.
Snow white but still can live happily with her true love.
moral value :
ReplyDelete1.be careful with a new people around of us
2.should always help each other.
3.Don't easily angered to the other people
4.We must grateful to the God about what god has given to us
5.Don't be jealous to the other people
explanation from number 5 :
don't hate people, because people your hate they will loving you