Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Love for Students

Kelas XII IPA Aksel

The lessons that are very interesting and impressive are the lessons that can be given to the students through the experiences. Those lessons can be put on their heart well. But unfortunately, those such as kinds of lessons must be produced or made by the teachers. 
Actually mothers are also teachers for their children. It will work well to the students than their words that are spoken by mothers directly. If the mothers ask the children to do something, by giving some words for instruction, usually the students will not listen and not do what they command. The words just pass by the ears and then go like the wind. But if the mothers do something what she actually wants their children to do, so the mothers give instruction by giving an example. It usually works well. Of course it will need enough time to make it happen. 
It will be better if teachers can behave like students' mother. They have to treat students like their own children. Then the relationship between teacher and students will be different, lovely atmosphere will color the situation of teaching learning. It will produce the fruit of knowledge for students, it is because of the wonderful relationship of course. But if the relationship is not so good, it is very difficult to produce the fruit of knowledge because it is like a tree which is lack of water.
So let's love our students truly if we want to be successful teachers!

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