Wisdom from XII IPA 2
Wisdom can be learned from many ways, and one of them is from the prophets' stories. Prophets' stories are given in al Qur'an. There are some purposes or many purposes why they are given through al Qur'an. Generations by generations can learn so many lessons from the prophets in order that they can live happily and strive in the right ways.
Prophets' stories are the most wonderful stories that are suitable for all eras, so to those who like to learn wisdom from the prophets will find the true happiness, insyaallah.
Students, you can upload or write your wisdom that you have got from the prophets' stories after you have listened to your friends who told the stories or told the stories by yourselves here!
'love and wisdom' as the basic of my teaching - dianahera63@gmail.com - Ex- teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari, Pasuruan - Indonesia
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1. Moral value from prophet story of Nuh as:
ReplyDeleteAl aziz: The mighty and strong
Nuh always believe with her self and build a huge boat alone .
Story of prophet Nuh as :
Allah told him not to worry anymore about other people .They would meet his punishment which would serve as a lesson for generations to come. He told him to build a huge boat with her self. He believe with the power of allah.
Application in my life:
When I am get a daily examination of physic in the class , I will try do it by self. I believe can do it with my ability. First time before get daily examination in the home I study hard and I pray to allah event to allah give the way to this examination and Alhamdulillah I get the great score.
2. Moral value from prophet story of Hud as:
Don’t be a hopeless person and don’t give up if you are failed.
Story of prophet Hud as :
Prophet Hud mention to our if he never hopeless lead Aad people to believe in Allah SWT, although Aad people always heed it.
Application in my life :
I was very sad after I get daily examination in this day. I can’t do a questions because I very confuse about the material. After daily examination I fell hopeless and I give up .But after I think is not useful hopeless because with hopeless I can’t reach it. Finally I conscious that my action is false. I want to change it to be a good action with study hard and pray’s to Allah so, Allah give the best for me.
Moral messages :
ReplyDelete1. About Adam prophet story “ Cain and Abel “ :
Don’t ever insult with the missing of other person because it same insult with our God.
When God give instructions to Cain in order to marry with Labuda, Cain refused it. Because labuda is ugly girl,not as Iqlima as beautiful girl.
2. All of the prophet very patient with the test from God. Because every problem has a wisdom.
3. Always thankfull with everything given by our God. Because it is possession of God, we must keep it.
4. When we have problem toour family,brother or sister,friends etc. We must forgive them. Because our God like with apologize.
5. All of the prophet are responsible prophet. We must sample it. If we are doing everything must be responsible and truly.
6. We must generous like as Ayub prophet not stingy to other people. If someone need our help, we must help concordant with our ability.
7. In my experience :
One day I didn’t have money to bought a book. I was pray to God. “ God I need money to buy a book. Give me money, please ! “. Suddenly my grandmom came to my house and give me money. ( Ar-Rahman)
8. When I’m read the story about “ Cain and Abel “ in Adam prophet story. I can know about the first bury of humans beigh in the earth. When Cain wa killed Abel and die. Suddenly there was two crow one of crow was die. So that the other crow was dig the earth to bury it. And than Cain imitate that case.
Moral value from prophet Zakaria a.s. (Ervinda’s group)
Delete1. Be patient people relationship with asmaul husna is As-Sabuur.
*Example in that story : one night Zakaria a.s. stood in prayer. Praying for Allah to bless him with a good son. He knew that he was too old and his wife was barren and unable to raise a child, but he had full faith to Allah SWT.
*My experience that matches the story is :
when I saw my beloved grandmother died, I was feeling very sad, confused because my grandmother died quickly and also felt very guilty for her now because when he was alive and I often forget about her sometimes. I am very sad and want to cry when I saw her. But I will not cry and remain steadfast in the face of Allah and my parents because I believe that Allah will provide the best place for her in heaven. Thank you Allah (^_^)
Moral value from prophet Salih a.s. (Edho’s group)
1. Do not be a person who never gives up.
Example in that story : Prophet Salih did not give up to persuade to worship Allah and soon people began to listen.
*My experience that matches the story is :
when I would sign up to favorite junior high school, I'm very optimistic to enter. When students received the announcement of my name is on the order of names is not acceptable, my mother and I am very disappointed and in my heart said "never give up, never give up, this is the beginning of the best way". Finally I will decide to register at another school and Alhamdulillah when I went there I always have a winner.
Thank Allah for the exams which you have given me because there's wisdom in every your examination (^_^)
1. From Prophet Ibrahim A.S
ReplyDeleteMoral Value:
We must believe in Allah in other situation because Allah always help us.
The Story :
When prophet Ibrahim will burn by the people, he still believe in Allah and Allah help him with couldn`t burn by the fire. So the people can`t believe it, it also make them believe in Allah because that incident.
Application in my life :
When I get a problem like I Haven`t pay yet the school tuition because my father hasn`t money. I believe Allah will help me and my father because Allah will help People that always remember him. And in a fact, Allah help me and my father, so I can pay my school tuition although I was late. But, now I believe Allah always help me and never forgot me if I always remember Allah.
2. From prophet Ayyub A.S
Moral value :
We must be a patient persons, because actually people who have patient was loved by Allah.
The Story :
From the prophet story was shown when prophet Ayyub get serious illness that couln`t to cure untill many years, He still patient and always pray to Allah. And finally Prophet Ayyub can be recovered.
Application in my life :
When I wanted something and I ask to my father, but at that time my father couldn`t give it to me, I not force it. Because Allah will give it to me if it be the best for me. But when it was not gooh for me it will not given to me. And I believe if I really need it, Allah will given it to me
`* Moral Value from Prophet Yusuf
ReplyDeleteProphet yusuf 'alaihissalam in prison rather than the sinner, so should be a servant when confronted with two choices on the exam: sinner or worldly punishment. So he chose the temporal penalties than committing sin leading to severe punishment in this world and hereafter. Because of this including the sign of faith which is a servant of hate to return to kufr after Allah Almighty saved him because he hates to be thrown into the flames.
`* Application in my life:
One day I was ill at school, my friends asked me to not go PIB. In my heart I said, "Ya Allah, strengthen me to be able to follow the PIB, I want to get the science". I believe something good will result in something good. :)
`* Moral Value from Prophet Ayyub
Prophet Ayub regain health and pleasure after a long suffering and pain because he was patient and remain faithful to Allah
Allah gives us trials, which behind it all there are lessons that can not be reached by human reason.
`* Application in my life:
I feel very sad when I miss the people I love. For days I was not excited through the day. Until one day I pondered "If I continue like this how my future, how I can happy my parents". Finally I tried to get up, and believe Allah will provide the best behind every trial. :)
Allah is Ar-Rahman and Ar-Rahim because Allah always give the best for us…
* Gita *
*Prophet Idris A.S
ReplyDeleteAccording to one story, there is a period when most men would forget God that God punishes man with a form of prologed drought. Prophet Idris also intervened and pleaded with God to end the sentence. God grant that request and ended with a marked dry season rainfall.
*Moral value from Prophet Idris A.S
Patient with in God will bring victory
~Application in my life:
Once upon a time, I ever have a negative thinking, But I try to be a patient have normal attitude. I try to tell my mistake, initially he not have a respond with my reason and than tomorrow he realize her mistake and say sorry to me and we a good friend.
*Moral value from Prophet Idris A.S
People who are faith in God will bring victory.
~Application in my life:
At the time one of my friend have a problem he need some money want me to help her problem. So I help him and give some money. Than my friend lie to me and she promise to return my money on time, but she always lie to me. I find it hard to forgive him.
In the time, I try to forget it and learn to be patient wise people. I be grateful because Allah always teach me about problem in life.
ReplyDelete~~ Dont be a hopeless person (Prophet Hud As)
Prophet Hud mention to our if he never hopeless lead Aad people to believe in Allah SWT, altought Aad people allways heed it.
I had ever got task from my teacher, at the time I think that I can't finish it because the task was difficult for me. One day before the day of task's assemble, my task was not yet. I want to cry but my friends gave me spirit to finished it. Finally I did my task and I can finished it.
~~ Deliver us from the nature of jealousy and envy (Prophet Saleh As)
Prophet Saleh prayed to Allah and Allah sent the special camel. It gave lots and lots of milk so all of the poor people had enough to drink, and they were very happy. The leader of Thamud became angry, jealous to see Prophet Saleh because his followers so happy.
I have brother, he ten years old than me. He have quiet character. My brother already to work, and he not stay at home because the place of his work is far from our house. I had jealous with my brother because when he came to our house my mother allways gave more attention to him.I often got furious from my mother if he came. But as long as I must positif thinking if my brother was tired and he need attention from my mother.
1. Prophet Ibrahim
ReplyDeleteMoral Value :
Do never give up to raise the truth .
The story :
Like prophet Ibrahim he didn`t afraid to raise the truth as worship Allah. He want to invite his father to worship Allah but his father didn`t. He disturb the all worship idols although the people was angry to him.
Aplication in my life:
We must said truth although people didn`t believe with our. Example I ever know people hidden book my friends. People (hidden name) want my friend got punishment from my teacher. So I inform my friend that his book was hidden.
2. Prophet Ismail
Moral value:
We must obedient to do direction from Allah
The story:
When prophet Ismail to slaughter prophet Ibrahim, he was obedient and he do it sincerity. Then Allah change prophet Ismail with sheep. So the prophet Ismail wasn`t dead.
Aplication in my life :
When I want get out with my friend. I want to have a permit with my family but my family didn`t permitted me. So I didn`t follow my frient, I was so angry and I stay in my bedroom and I was sleep. Not long after it was rain. At the last I was gratefull because I`m not follow so I didn`t rainy.
* Moral value from prophet Yusuf:
ReplyDelete1. Prophet Yusuf a.s. choose a lighter danger. This is a rule syar’iyyah that have been used by previous scholar’s, to avoid more serious danger.
2. Allah will have not waste the firmness of faith, the seriousness of the liver and one servant muhsin business.
* Application in the life :
1. When back to school, I and my friend were riding a motorcycle. Unexpected journey when there is a thief who snatched necklace direct my friend. My friend was scared and told to tell parents.
2. When my junior will face national exam. I always learn, pray and try to seriously, I really want to graduate with good grades and I am sure God will give satisfaction results, because I have done the seriousness and sincerity with the firmness of faith.
Moral value from prophet Yusuf :
ReplyDelete1. Aware of the dangers of seclusion, is one man alone with a strange woman. Also, be aware of the vibration of love that sparked fears of danger.
2. If a servant witnesses a place that contains slanderous and factors teaser to commit adultery, he should rush out and away from her.
Application in my life :
1. At that time I was out my boy friend into a rather quite place to be alert to the danger of unwanted, I am careful and try to reject it.
2. When I want vacation to KAKEK BODO waterfall, I get promotion from some people who guardian a villa to rent them villa, but I don’t care with that, and I’m choice to leave.
ReplyDeleteMoral value from prophet Idris A.S
,. Patience with faith in god (will)bring victory
Application in my life :
.. Prophet Idris awarded skill invaricous disciplines, skill and the ability to creat tools to facilitate the introduction of human task such as writing,mathematics, astronomy and others.
,. Never give up to build a truth
Application in my life:
.. once upon time have a time multitude forget to god so that God give a punishment a dry for a long time.
Moral Value prophet Yahya:
,. Prophet Yahya unknow as mukminin person like Al-Alim in Asmaul husna
Application in my life:
.. Although believe on very old solmate but he permanent grow of normal person and healthy. because sosial, prophet yahya know as mukminin person, he keep in hand to religion question and know taurot book and get judge inside religion law.
Prophet Salih
ReplyDeleteThe Moral Value :
We must guard our actions and our behavior
The Story :
“The leaders of Thamud became angry again to see Saleh because his followers so happy”
Aplication in our live :
If our live we make and commit sin, such as we make mistake with other people or we make people/friend angry with us, so ALLAH definite give us with law. And then, after we make mistake or people angry, we don’t forgive with them.
Prophet Ayyub
The Moral Value :
Be patient man our live
The Story :
“When Prophet Ayyub get serious illness that couldn’t to cure until many years, he still patient and always pray to ALLAH”
Aplication in our live :
Such as our friend make us angry, or make mistake with us. We don’t angry with them and before our friend forgive with us, we must forgiving of the mistake. And we sure that ALLAH give us to be good person with problem, so we must be patient.
Prophet Saleh
ReplyDeleteThe Story :
Saleh prayed to ALLAH and ALLAH sent the special camel, the camel gave lots and lots of milk so all the poor people had enough to drink, and they were very happy. The leaders of Thamud became angry again to see Saleh his followers so happy
The moral value :
Deliver us from the nature of jealously and envy
Aplication in our live :
In our live we make behaviors the nature of jealously and envy, so our live will feel less and livelihood from good enough
The story :
The leaders of Thamud became angry again to see Saleh his followers so happy
The moral value :
Do all the behavior and actions when we commit sns such as hurting others the surely ALLAH will punish us
Aplication in our live :
In our live keep our our action and keep other feel, so the people around us will more happy him our self, but if we have mistake other people so the other people can angry with us or the people not care with us
Ismaina Amalia D. R. ( XII IA 2 / 39 )
ReplyDelete1. We must Be obedient tu Allah
When prophet ishak as san’s prophet abraham he must obedient to allah, we must do all the order for example : pray, fasting, etc. And do not the everything that probihibited by allah. If we do mistake, we must forgive and be regret all behaviour.
2. The forgiving
The application is prophet og illyas forgive bani israil alltought, they not believe of allah and prophet of ilyas decided to help bami israil to descending of rainy.
When my friend selander me, i very angry and hate his. So, we not to speak to. But it mistake should i forgiving my friend because not to speak to not finish the problem but add the problem.
# Strong Faith
ReplyDeleteJob AS :
Job AS have strong faith, whereas Allah give Job AS long dissaster. But Job AS belive that Allah give test to him and believe will be a wisdom behind it all.
Our experiance :
If I get a test in class, my answer different with my friend’s answer. I try to check my answer and I try to believe with my self.
# Low Hearted
David AS :
Altought David won by Jalout, it not make him high hearted, beside them David become low hearted to his friend. And also help others.
Our experience :
If I can make home work, but my friend can’t, I would to help our friend who need helped by me.
The moral value from the story propet of Hud is :
ReplyDeleteDon’t be a proud person
The application is in the group ‘Ad. They are proud about body ,brain,and strong whereas Allah SWT is Al Mutakabbir ( the Majestic )
In live we not arrogant because arrogant we make forget your self that any more is Allah SWT.
Example :
in my live I ever if have ,at the time I have a friend ,he is indeed smart and he is arich but, with smart ,and the rich make him be a arrogant people and he don’t forget with old friends…….
The moral value from the story propet of ilyas :
As- sabur ( the patient )
The application is propet ilyas not brink if he get a message for to talk about islam to bani Israel
Example :
in my live ever if have at the time I have a problem,when many people countemptible me, and I just think that test , from Allah SWT, and Ican a cross this problem I believe that Allah SWT always help me…….
Kelas : XII_IA_02
No : 11
Hani gilang ramadhan XII IA 2 / 27
ReplyDeleteMoral volue prophet ibrahim : we must resignent to Allah SWT although which given punishment.
• Last one day in the kingdom the king which name namrud.king namrud very wicked and mean . ALL the people from the kingdom are worship to the idol.but there is one person who not worship the idol like other people .And he is ibrahim prophet who trust to Allah SWT. When king namrud to know ibrahim prophet not worship the idol king namrud angry and his subordinate to punist ibrahim prophet and then ibrahim propet is burn in to the fire .ibrahim prophet prey to Allah SWT in order that he safe from the fire .
• Aplication in life : Tomrrow there are examination .At night I am study hard to get good score.After study I am resignation to Allah SWT because I comterfeit ibrahim prophet .
Moral volue ibrahim prophet : we must fight for just justice. Although the challenges is so winding
• Ibrahim prophet arrange to night . prophet ibrahim with followers to destroy the idol at that night .in the morning king namrud and order his subordinate than they went to the altar of idol .they saw the idol was destroyed .king namrud that know ibrahim prophet .king namrud looking for ibrahim prophet .but ibrahim prophet didn’t scare with the punishment .ibrahim prophet know that which struggle was right .
• Aplication in life : one day my friend have an problem with other and I mustdevide them and defend who true I am defend the true.
The moral value from the story prophet of Ilyas :
ReplyDelete As-Sabur ( the patient )
The application is prophet of Ilyas not borink if the get a message for to talk about Islam to Bani Israil.
Like in my live, I ever if have problem is very scared, the problem is always make me to cray. I always question “ why this problem came to me “, but I just can be patient because it test from allah, I can across this problem and I believe that allah always help me.
The moral value from the story prophet of Daud :
Allah has given example no matter how big and strong they are can be defeated by weak person only with stone kindness.
I get problem with strong person or who lead something, and I feel I am right it’s mean on right way I don’t feel afraid with him.
Moral values from prophet Ibrahim a.s. such as:
ReplyDelete1. We must sacriface although it painful, like Sarah to Ibrahim who told Ibrahim to should marry her servant Hajar, so that Ibrahim and Hajar could make a child together.
* From my experience :
I have a friend, her name Rosi. Rosi have a boyfriend, his name is Dani. Rosi very love to him, Rosi’s friend was love to Dani so much. She look Dani love her too. With straight, Rosi broke Dani for her friend. Although with few sad. She think that sacriface was something which conceited.
2. Don’t ever envy with our brother or sister because its symbol of not competent person.
Don’t ever envy with all people, because its symbol of not competent person. Usually, that someone envy to other people, he or she can’t to do which same with this people. Really, Allah don’t like to someone which be envy to other people.
3. Must straight received with all which Allah give to me, although not same with our wish.
Example : If we get a couple (boyfriend or girlfriend) who didn’t same with our wish, we have to be understanding. Because Allah certainly give is the best to me. Really, Allah love us so much. He have plan for all which given to us.
* From my experience :
One time, I want to go with my friends, but I didn’t have a permission from my parents. I’m very disappointed about it, because I’m very want to go together with my friends. Finally, I stay alone in home. But my friend calling me, he ask me that overthere was rainy. All my friend not be happy, not be enjoy because the situation was not support it. From it, I know that Allah certainly give the best to me, because Allah love all people in the world.
*Prophet Ayyub
ReplyDelete1.We must thank god what ever god give to us, heath or sick we must thank god, in order to got always give us a healthiness.
*We must always be grateful we get a sick, we must don’t complain.
I had a headache one day, the pain is incredible, but I remain grateful to God, whatever God gives me is always grateful
because God has given me during this health, health care is very expensive
I am always grateful for all that is given by God, despite the pain. because God will not exceed the limits of human testing.
2.Be patient man, because Ayyub AS can patient although he get many test from Allah.
God in giving the test to his servant, beyond the limits of his servant.
* when I was vilified by others I never retaliate and revenge to the person. I was always patient and willing to take them. because behind it all there must be a silver lining. maybe it was all a test that God gave me, so I can improve myself to become better.
*Keep the massage that given to us
ReplyDeleteApplication : if we become a leader, we must be responsibility for the massage which given to us.
*We must be patient if we have any problem
Application : Allah give us a problem or test always for our kindness. So we must be patient.
ReplyDeleteProphet Ibrahim AS
*We must believe in Allah because Allah always help and always company us in other situation*
The situation of prophet story is when prophet Ibrahim would to burn by the people. Ibrahim said on the heart that Allah would protect him and Allah would not let the fire harm him at all. And infactually prophet Ibrahim was alive and the flames did not harm him at all.
When i have got problem and make me confused want to ask to whom. In my heart believe to Allah that Allah always in our heart and company us to resolve this problem. Because Allah is AL-Muhaymin (watches over and protects all things) and Allah will not give the trials beyond the ability of people.
So, i must try to study hard also always pray to Allah.
Prophet Yahya AS
*We must be obedient people*
The situation of prophet story is when the king Hirodus want to marry his child Hirodia. The prophet Yahya ignore to do it. Because onthe holy-Taurat relize to do it. So, prophet Yahya is obedient command to Allah.
As muslim we must be obedient to parent and the command of Allah. Because it is key to being useful for all. For example: we must implement five pilars.
Prophet Saleh AS
*We must share to the other*
The situation of prophet story is the Thamud peoplenot want to share to the other. They were arrogant people.
We must share to the other because all that we have only
deposite by Allah and Allah could take whenever.
I wise will be useful for us and we can take wisdomfrom it
era risty rahayu/xii ipa 2/14
ReplyDeleteMOral value from story of prophet nuh.
*he very magnificint,never care alltough many people say that he was crazy.
*we must be a patient people,be a strong people like as sabur and al aziz.
This moral value can suport me and allways remember that i must be like prophet nuh.
He allways try try and try,make a people believe.
*Every people have a problem in this life,and i think ,i ever experience it.usually people just see but they NEVER KNOW AND CANT FELL WITH THEY HEART. usually they make their partner and other people sick with their attitude,slander but i must make they know that we not bad people it false.....,
*i can learn,must be a strong. WE JUST NEED OUR GOD"ALLAH SWT"and SEE OUR SELF.believe to allah and believe our self,& we will be a proud people.,so we can against our problem. GIVE UP! believe that allah allways near with people who near with allah too.allah allways help me,when i have a problem. :) THANK YOU
*When I crash my car collided with a public transport stop Taba - I was surprised to arrive and hit the car. When the driver of the car was mad at me when I'm not mistaken, and I did not intentionally, but the driver was actually turned on me and did not want the responsibility of the collision event.
ReplyDeleteMOral value from story of prophet nuh.
we must be a patient people,be a strong people like as sabur.....
*When I had graduated from high school and I would go to school in high school, my parents do not agree with me to school at the vocational school, while my father wanted me to enter high school, from where my parents and my little way. Differences of opinion every time talk about the future. Often quarreled and never relented, hate, feeling unfairly I feel, all that appears kbencian and hate hate hate that I feel the two parents. But the end - the end of third grade I enter my correct Merakan my parents and taken to the road that I went to high school is right .....
The Moral Value :
we must understand each other and respect other people's opinions if you want to succeed in all things ....
ReplyDeletepropet yunus A.S
1.Dont give up to strunggle for something.
# He was swallowed by an anormous fish and he lived in its belly for three days.
then the fish spewed him out on a shere,,,,
Application in our live:
#My past in memoriam, am not swim because my hope to be can to swim. work hard, finally a can swim bwcause of my strunggle and half from Allah. like in my life i want not to give up before reach my idea,,,,,,
Moral values from prophet Joseph a.s.
ReplyDelete1. Desire to appear to the prophet Joseph a.s. against the woman, who then get rid of it because of the almight, became one of the steps that lift it to Allah almight to the position close to him.
My experience relationship with this story is :
One event I am with boy friend then he invited me for played to his house, but I am afraid will event of badness come to me and finally I’m remember Allah so I refuse invited him.
2. Someone who has been immersed in his faith he is a sincere for Allah in all his actions. Allah SWT will get rid of evil, vile and immoral acts (of himself) with the power of faith and sincerity, as the reward of faith and sincerity. Allah the exalted has said which mean “ so that we might turn away from it badness and abominations surely Joseph’s including slaves of us who vatod ”
My experience relationship with this story is :
At night, my female friend came to my house. She invited me to play with male friend together, but I am not give permitted by my mother. In this problem Allah to saved me and got away me from badness moments.
khoirul afandik xii-ia2 40
Delete1.WE must be abedien to Allah
(application;Do all the order of allah)
2.be a frusted people
(application;tell the truth to other people)
the story is my life. long time ago I have a special frieds. my friends give me convidence but I often do a mistake and I now regret it and I want my friend give me one more time and I will keep the confidence(WISH YOU WERE HERE)
Moral Values from prophet Yusuf a.s. such as :
ReplyDelete1. Prophet Yusuf as choose to go to jail rather than that sin albeit under threat. This attitude is a sign of truth in the category of faith.
* My experience relationship with this story is :
One day, my friend tell me about her boy friend. Her boy friend won’t to do immoral with her. But she won’t to do it and she choose to broken with her boy friend.
2. The story the inner beauty of prophet Yusuf a.s., namely the nature “Iffah” (honor guard) not less than the temptations of evil.
* My experience relationship with this story is :
One night, I was invited to play with my boy friend, because it was night time so afraid of my neighbor slandered to avoid that I reject the invitation.
1. "Allah told Hud to take all the good people into a big cave near the city. The very next day a terrible tornado came and only the good ones, the ones who had listened, were saved. "
ReplyDelete=> Leader is trusted people, if you want to respected by other people, firste you must respect other people, especially the leader.
2. "Salih prayed to Allah and Allah sent the special camel.
The camel gave lots and lots of milk so all the poor people had enough to drink, and they were very happy.
The leaders of Thamud became angry to see Salih and his followers so happy. They decided to kill the camel. So, the poor people cannot drink anymore. Salih told them that Allah would punish them. "
=> Share it, is the one of many ways to Thankful the grace that you've got from Allah.
And Please Welcome !!!!!!!!
Ilham Zakiyal ALba/XII-IA2/37
I Komang Fortunas Indriyasari
ReplyDeleteProphet of Nuh with the Ugly Dog
1. Don't creation from Allah if don't have a useful
@ In the prophet
Although the ugly dog is beast, but it believe it have useful for the other and never mind with said about it.
@ In my life
I never get true love from my boy friend in my life. I feel very beast and not useful for the others until I never get true love. But as soon as, I think I still have true love anymore, such as from my friend, my parent, etc. And exactly my friend need true love from me too.
2. Don't be offend with made in Allah
@ In the prophet
An old woman and child offend the ugly dog. But the ugly dog just said : "You don't made same me and just Allah can made same me."
@ In my life
When I saw the ugly cat, I feel it's very disguisting and I never get near with it. It's dirty. But, I realized, I can't think it. It's made in ALLAH like me and I don't made same too. We must love the others.
From Prophet Muhammad SAW
ReplyDeleteMoral massage can we applicate in our life :
1. Try to be a patient person like Prophet Muhammad. Because everything can be good if we do that with patient.
2. We must telling truth. When we did something wrong we have to repent and telling truth and be honest person. Because honest is everything of life.
3. Never give up for all condition. Because there is way if we give up. Believe in Allah , Allah will give a good way for us.
If we sick , don't give up to wish in Allah to ask recovery.
From Prophet Yahya AS
Moral massage can we applicate in our life :
1. Don't be a greedy person.
Allah dislike that person because greedy is a friends of syaiton and Allah certain hate it.
Don't like corruption . Beacuse it is included to greedy person . It is not right . The key of success not like this. Because Allah have there are many a beautiful way to make us happy.
2. Don't be afraid to anything and everything except Allah. Because there was not to be afraid , all can we opponet if we brave and believe in Allah, Allah will helped us.
#The Moral Value From Prophet Idris A.S
ReplyDelete=> Don’t be give up for search a knowledge
Prophet Yusuf never give up for studying until he can be the first prophet who is good at writing, astrology, and numerology, mathematics, etc.
=> To be discipline to manage a time
~prophet Idris awarded skill in various discipline until he can create tools to facilitate the introduction of tuman tasks.
~He can smart because he diligent to studying syakifah-syakifah revealed to the Prophet Adam A.S.
# Aplication in My Life
=> When I was on Junior high school I’m real study hard so that I hope pass an examination, because I’m really study hard so I can pass an examination.
=>Every Monday to Thursday my school have PIB, and every Wednessday I’ve course beyond in school, so if time to school end I was course up to 18.00. After that I’m go home, take a bath, pray, opened my lesson last, then break, and sleep……zzzzzzzzz.
ReplyDeleteBe someone who has a lot of knowledge as the prophet idris
Idris blessed with Allah. some ingenuity. He mastered arithmetic, astronomy, horseback riding, and sewing clothes. In addition, Idris is also very determined. He learned to read and write without knowing the time and place. Since childhood, Idris has been good at reading Sahifah (sheet of writing) are taught by the Prophet Syits. Idris received revelations from Allah. through the angel Gabriel as much as 30 Sahifah (Q.19: 56). It was a religion which must be submitted Idris to his people.
-If we are smart, when our friends can not understand the lessons that have been given, we can teach them.
NEVER give up!!
like prophet noah at time he mad a ark to avoided a big flood but everyone thinking he was crazy,but noah ignoring the words of all those,still never give up and believe
-when we had a problems,don't ever run away from problems,and still confident with our self,be sure,if you can fight the problem
1. Don’t be give up to stuggle for something. Like as the prophet Jones when the warned the peopl e about their evil ways and told them to follow Allah but they would not listen. So that make Jones prophet leave, Ninevah. But after Jones prophet out from an enormous fish Belly the people listened prophet Jones about Allah SWT.
ReplyDelete2. We must believe Allah always protected our everywhere.
After prophet Jones lived in an enormous Belly for three days. Then the fish spewed him out on a shore. He was very ill, but Allah was protecting him.
3. In my experience is
When I am lose lonely. Allah was protected me with other people agent. He was consent deliver me to Bus station although He never know about me. Finally, I can returned home safe.
Prophet Muhammad
ReplyDeleteWe can learn from Muhammad
Be a patient pople. Altought we have many problem
Be a strong people and to the best
Prophet Muhammad never give up when do everyting in her life when have problem.
The example :
When i have a problem i try to learn if from prophet Muhammad . And think that a problem is a present from Allah and we must try and think “ how we finish the problem “.
We must be a patient people like AS SABUR and be a strong people.
Prophet NUH AS
ReplyDeleteMany things we can learn from prophet Nuh.
Prophet Nuh always patient, strong and believ with her self. Altounght many people say if the prophet Nuh is a crazy people. Altough her life, son and people leave him alone, But he always believe and try do the best, he always patient.
The example :
I always try do the best like propher Nuh like AS SABUR ( patient ).
When i have a problem i think that i can finish it because we must beliave with our self.
Beliave that Allah always near with me.
Always help me.
We should be a fair person
ReplyDelete( the story of Prophet Shalih )
>>> when Prophet Shalih showed his miracle to the Thamud people, then Prophet Shalih told them when a she camel take the water , all of thamud people didn’t allowed to take the water too..
>>> we’ve to be fair when we make a decision. For example , when the justice try to solved the client’s problem , they ‘ve to be fair to give the punishment for their clients..
We have to sacrifice even it hard.
( the story of Prphet Ibrahim)
>>> in that story , it showed when Prophet Ibrahim sacrifice his son even he lost his son, Prophet Ismail allowed his father ( Prophet Ibrahim ) to kill him
>>>we have to sacrifice what we have to get our wish. When we want something before we got it we have to sacrifice our time, money and anything we have to sacrifice.
Moral value (prophet yahya)
ReplyDeletelike Ar-Rahim because allah love those who fight in His way in ranks life well-built walls
prophet yahya is:
Mutual support, or solidarity with others, is an import quality of a believer.
As stipulated in the Qur'an, all believers are one of the same brotherhood.
They are people who feel a sincere love of and devotion to God, who follow the Qur'an, and who seek to attain Paradise.
There is therefore great love and solidarity among them.
God reveals what form this solidarity among believers should take within the following verse.
The verse emphasises how there should be no obligation among Muslims that will be a burden to them.
Believers make great efforts to avoid any impairment of the solidarity among them, and strive to strengthen their devotion
In some societies compassion and tolerance in the face of error is so rare as to be almost non-existent.
prophet yusuf
The Prophet Ya'qub had twelve sons and one of them was called Yusuf (Joseph) whose life is full of many interesting: happenings. He was a handsome and smart boy with polite habits and polished manners. He bore a sound character. He had an attractive personality. The Prophet Ya'qub (peace be upon him) had a deep affection for his son, Yusuf who occupied a rank of remarkable distinction among his brothers. His brothers began to Feel jealous of him. They became united against Yusuf and hatched a plan to do away. with him.
moral value about him : be a patient person like as-sabbur
faizatul wahida:17:XII IA 2