Wisdom from XII acceleration
Wisdom can be learned from many ways, and one of them is from the prophets' stories. Prophets' stories are given in al Qur'an. There are some purposes or many purposes why they are given through al Qur'an. Generations by generations can learn so many lessons from the prophets in order that they can live happily and strive in the right ways.
Prophets' stories are the most wonderful stories that are suitable for all eras, so to those who like to learn wisdom from the prophets will find the true happiness, insyaallah.
Students, you can upload or write your wisdom that you have got from the prophets' stories after you have listened to your friends who told the stories or told the stories by yourselves here!
'love and wisdom' as the basic of my teaching - dianahera63@gmail.com - Ex- teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari, Pasuruan - Indonesia
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# The Moral Value of Prophet Daud
ReplyDelete> Forcing someone right is not good
> prophet Daud had 99 wife, and he asked his soldier wife, he wanted to complete his wife number became 100. but one day when he was praying in Mihrab, he has reminded by Allah by the two man that asked for advice to Prophet Daud, and then the man was an angel that the 1st man had 1 sheep, and the other one had 99 sheeps. they get the advice from Prophet Daud that the man that had 99 sheeps can't forced the man that had 1 sheep to give his sheep to him.
> The Application In Real Life
Sometimes we forget about our duty n this world. one of them is respecting the other person right. for example: when we were in queue. if we respected each then the queue will go well. but if there is someone acted like they did not care about the others right, the queue will be disorganize because everyone has a right. so, we have to respect each other. be patient, and everything will go well.
# The Moral Value of Prophet Shuaib
> Not to be easily happy with anything we have got
> The Aikah was happy when the cloud came to their place because at that time the weather was too hot. but they do not realize that the cloud brought a disaster for them. this is one of the way of God to remind them after what the have done to Prophet Shuaib. They did not believe Allah and Prophet Shuaib.
> The Application in Real Life
When someone already got what they want, they choose to stuck at their happiness. But sometimes, they forget about what they supposed to do and everything could happen. so we have to be careful, be ready with every condition that may happen in our life. For example : if you are good in Math then you do not try to learn more about that, you will be beaten by the other who always practice and study hard.
# The Moral Value of Prophet Ismail
> be obedient to your parent, God always gives a way to them that make their parent happy
> Prophet Ismail did not had a heavy feeling to do what his parent asked, Prophet Ibrahim. he will be head by his father by Allah's message .
> The Application in Real Life
Our parent will not ask us to o a bad thing, because they realized that children is entrusted from Allah. so , as a child, we have to obey what they ask to us, what they want from us. when your mother or your father ask you to do something you have to do it well because Allah loves people that loving their parent also the other people.
Nofa Eka said...
ReplyDelete~Moral value of Prophet Ismail
On the way of the place of slaughter, prophet Ismail tempted by devil in order to cancel his intention. But the prophet did not waver and Ismail threw stones at the devil, and time to be slaughtered bodies of the prophet Ismail was replaced by a goat.
*Application in life : when we are given task by the teacher to be complete tomorrow while our time just enough to do it, then there is a friend who was invited to play. if you come in to play then you task will not be completed while if you refuse to play then your task will be complete and receive no punishment from the teacher . so have a strong stance was particularly good.
~Moral value of prophet Noah
Spread the teaching of prophet Noah to worship Allah, but the people refused and thought he was crazy, Noah then given a warning by Allah that there will be a big flood that will engulf the region. Therefore Noah was ordered to make a boat, local people still do not heed the warning delivered by prophet Noah, so that they eventually lost in the flood.
*Application in life : when you reprimand someone because of his mistake and can lead to bad things. But he would not listen, then continue to help him for good with optimistic and not easily discouraged.
~Moral Value of prophet Yahya
Prophet Yahya taught that the truth must be established with any risk. when he banned marriage between an uncle and nephew, though in the end he had to die in train since the ban.
*Applications in life : when you make mistakes and you do not want to tell the truth and you will continue to lie to cover up your mistakes and your mistakes now revealed and you'll look worse than admit your mistake early on. so
tell the truth despite the fact that the bitter.
Prophet Ishmael
ReplyDelete The Part of The Story: When Hagar and Ishmael were in the barren and wild desert in a way to Hijaz, Hagar was kindness in looking Ishmael who wept because his thirsty, run looking for water beyond the Safa Mountain. But at the top of the mountain, she didn’t find any water and noticed that there is something like wave of water in valley, then descended to the valley, but it was just a mirage. She tried to look for some water in the other mountain, Marwa Mountain, but she also didn’t find the water at the top and saw a wave of water in the valley and started to descend again, but it was a mirage too. She repeated in running from Safa mountain to Marwa Mountain again and again for seven times until she have no any energy to run, she get back to his son and said “My Lord”. Then the current water gushing up from beneath Ishmael’s little feet out of sand. Then they filled their thirsty with this water.
Moral Value: Need work hard and pray to Allah to get something we want. Then, after try hard, just submit it to Allah’s desires, because Allah love people who work hard, and never answer people’s pray easily.
The Application in Daily Life: In getting the score, we are as have to study hard to got it, after doing the best, just submit the result to Allah.
Prophet Saleh
The Part of The Story: As a prove of the truth that Prophet Saleh was a apostle sent by God, according to the order of Tsamud, woolly red She-camel came out of the rocky mountain, with condition that they wouldn’t do any harm for otherwise a great torment to she camel.But, in the next days, they killed she camel. Then, God gave a disaster to Tsamud tribe as due punishment for their oppression and revolt. Just a little of them who save caused their faith to prophet Saleh and God.
Moral Value: When we have a deal with the other, just try to fulfill it, because a deal is like a debt, and if we crash it, we will pay for it with something more than before.
The Application in Daily Life: When we have a promise to meet with person, then go according to the promise we had made, if you can’t go cause by some reasons, ask apologize to your friend because you can’t fulfill the promise, and change the day when you will meet them in other day.
Prophet Shuaib
The Part of The Story: Prophet Shuaib was sent by God to Madyan people to admonish them to worship to one God. But they were so deaf to hear Prophet Shuaib’s sermons, then God let the died by the disaster God sent. God ask Prophet Shuaib to move and preach to Aikah tribe. But Aikah tribe rejects Prophet Shuaib’s sermons too. Then God sent them disaster util there was no one who safe except Prophet Shuaib and his believers.
Moral Value: if you are not success in one part of your life, it doesn’t mean that you are absolutely fail along your life. Just try it again in the other part until you got what you want.
The Application in Daily Life: After graduating from school, we will go to the university and need a test to enter university we want, then, if we are fail in entering the university, we can try it in other university, which maybe it was better for us to study than previous university, or we can try it in the next year until we get it.
by : Sailah Ar Rizka
We must become a patient people who believe with the helping and keeping of Allah by we always remember the biggest of Allah and always pray to Allah and also thanks to God because we must not give up with everything in our life. Besides, with the patientness, we can get the helping from Allah swt that to solve all of our problems in our life.
When Siti Hajar searched the water between Sofa and Marwah hills and she could find the water source there. The water source became the lake of Zam-Zam because the helping of Allah swt, and when prophet Ibrahim with Siti Hajar went to the land of Mekah that at the time still a sea of desert that no human being there. But with the helping and keeping of Allah, the land of Mekah becomes a big and famous city in the world with secure, peaceful, fertile and prosperous villages.
We must always obedient and do the command of Allah well because the commands of Allah are very useful for the entire creature in this world. When you reprimand someone because of his mistake and can lead to bad things. But he would not listen, and then continue to help to not make the same mistake again.
When prophet Nuh spread and taught about worship to Allah to his people, but the people refused and thought he was crazy people. Then prophet Nuh was given a warning by Allah that there will be a big flood. That wills engulfs their people’s region. Therefore prophet Nuh was ordered to make a boat but the people still did not know about the warning that delivered by prophet Nuh. So that the people who were not worship to Allah eventually lost in the flood.
We must obedient in doing commands of Allah ell because the commands of Allah are very useful for all of the creatures in this world, especially for the last prophet, prophet Muhammad. We must thanks to God for everything that are given to us because if we can do it well, we can take the wisdom from it. We must believe that helping and keeping of Allah and always pray to Allah and thanks to god because we must not give up with everything in our life.
When prophet Muhammad got command from Allah swt to do sholat and worship, he was very obedient and do it well and when prophet Muhammad got Isra’ and Mi’raj until to the seventh sky to meet with Allah, with Jibril angel, he was very kind and respect to do the commands of Allah. Prophet Muhammad was a patient people although he lived with no parent, he had to do many kinds of jobs in his life and he could life happily with his wife’s, children and also his family because the kindness of Allah swt.
By: Afri Rachmad Fauzi XII-Accelerated Class of SMAN 1 Purwosari
DeleteWe have to share what we have with others (Surat Al A’raf 7:33), we have to believe in one God, Allah, don’t be arrogant in this life (Surat Al A’raf 7:75), we must respect and obey to the command of Allah because we can enjoy and do our life well an d we must try to be a good and kind people, so that the other person can live with us well in our life.
When prophet Shaleh tried to call his people to the worship of one God, to whom they should give thanks for all their bounties. The believers believe and do the commands from Allah that were given to prophet Shaleh and his people well, but the unbelievers did not believe and do it because they thought that prophet Shaleh was a crazy and liar people who have a God, Allah. Prophet Shaleh was given the miracles from Allah so that his people who believe on that miracle were become the good people and follow to do worship to Allah swt. The first miracles was a she camel that had lack of milk for Shaleh’s people and the second miracles was a lighting and earthquake that destroy the place of unbelievers at the time.
By: Afri Rachmad Fauzi XII-Accelerated Class of SMAN 1 Purwosari
Daud Prophet
ReplyDeleteWe must be easily grateful, with all gift from God. And we must think the feeling of other people before we act. In the story of Prophet Daud , he had 99 wives, but he wanted to have a wife again. That’s not good character, because Daud was arrogant. From there we can applied in daily life. We must be satisfied from our proceeds although the prooceds not the same with what we want.
Ismail prophet
From the story of prophet Ismail, we can get message, “DON’T GIVE UP” try and try again , get our dream although many problems on arround.
In the story, Siti Hajar (Ismail’s mother) tried to find the water, because her milk “asi” for Ismail was finished. She ran from Shafa hill to Marwa hill but she couldn’t find the water. And then Allah gave water for Ismail from a water source.
In the daily life, we must work hard to get our dreams. Believe Allah will gave the solution to finished you’r problem.
Nuh prophet (Noha)
In the world, don’t be arrogant people . Because only Allah who ought to be arrogant in the world. Just Allah can make our people be rich, smart, healthy, etc.
From the story , we know followers of Nuh prophet were so clever and rich but arrogant. They didn’t want to follow Nuh prophet. Allah was angry and gave disaster for them.
By : Sandy Sahrawani (11) 12 Akselerasi SMAN 1 PURWOSARI
1)Prophet Syu’aib
ReplyDelete-Must know about the right and wrong thing in life.
-In the part of prophet Syu’aib story = the Madyan and the Aikah country didn’t care about the invitation from prophet Syu’aib to worship Allah. They felt that their habit was right that do anything with violence., vices, and dishonest. They didn’t know that worship to the God was a duty and they must do that. The cause of their crime was God punished all of them and destroyed them.
-In our life, for the example = our friends ask us to follow them to do something. But they have a bad idea to influence us. If we can’t be careful we can get something bad, just like our attitude can be wrong and we get a disaster. But if we can know that bad idea, we can be safe and still have a good attitude.
2)Prophet Ismail
-If we obedient to our parents and God. Believe! God will help us wherever and whenever we are.
-In the part of prophet Ismail story = Prohet Ismail would be slaughted by Prophet Ibrahim, because Allah commanded him. But Prophet Ismail ready and pleasure to be slaughted. Because he was certain and believe to the command from Allah. And finally, Prphet Ismail safed by God. He was substituted by a goat.
-In our life, for the example = we don’t obedient to our parents. We always oppose them. And we don’t hear them. We will be regret and get something bad. But, if we always do what our parents said that it can be better for us, believe! we can be safe and our life will be happy. Because God always help us.
3)Prophet Shaleh
-not to be afraid to the God, is a Disaster!
-in the part of Prophet Shaleh story = Thamud people wanted to quicked he punishment from Allah. Prophet Shaleh had warned them to gived up and worship to Allah. But, they even mocked Prophet Shaleh. And finally, Allah punished them and destroyed them.
-in our life, for the example = we have done a bad atitude or a crime. we don't think that Allah know and will give us punishment. but, we still do that. quick or late, we will get the response from what we have done.
by : Novia Dian Puspitasari XII Ci 09
ReplyDeleteBy: Muhammad Syawaluddin A
The story of prophet moosa
Prophet Moosa (AS) was born at the time of Fir'aun. Fir'aun was a king who hated the Bani Isra'el, The Application In modern Life
1. From the story we know that Fir Aun is a cruel and evil king, he likes to abuse his power, and persecution against people, often abuse the rights and property of people and now, in Indonesian countries frequent corruption among government like Fir Aun, and that we can learn from the stories is if we are given the responsibility of the position or the other, we should be able to execute it well and do not use it for their own needs and the expense of others, so that we can be a wise and able leader in trust by the public
2. From the story we know that Fir Aun is believe the forecast, so he wanted to kill all baby boys born in the state of power, but When Prophet Moosa (AS) was born, his mother put him in a water proof box and placed the box on the river Nile . She then sent her daughter to follow the little "boat" and see where it went.The box floated towards the palace of Fir'aun , where his men fished it out and brought the baby to him. He wanted to kill it immediately, suspecting that it might be a child of the Bani Israa'eel, but his wife Aasiya, who was a pious woman, stopped him. They did not have children of their own, so she asked him to adopt the child.Fir'aun agreed to his wife's request and then called some women to breast feed the crying child. However, the baby refused milk from all the women who came to feed him, except his mother. So Allah reunited mother and child in the very palace of Fir'aun. and that we can learn from the stories is we can not avoid the fate that has been determined by the gods of destiny because we experience it is already running, so that we can be thankful with what we experience because we experience is the best for us, such experience occurred a few weeks ago and the bike lost aregular laptop and mobile phone, which occurs because of theft, but I'm trying to be patient so I can feel grateful because I can still survive from the thief
advanced from up story......
ReplyDelete3. From the story we know that Prophet Musa (AS) told Pharaoh that he was the messenger of Allah and that he has brought clear evidence that he was telling the truth. He threw his stick into the ground and turned into a snake. Miracles fear of Pharaoh and he turned to his ministers for advice. They say that the Prophet Musa (AS) was only good witches and wizards on their own could easily do the trick.
Pharaoh summoned all the great magicians for the court. When they are told what to do, they do not worry. They threw pieces of wire rope on the ground and began writhing like a snake. But when the Prophet Musa (AS) threw his rod down her snake eat all parts of the rope. The magicians immediately realized that this is not magic but a miracle, and threw himself in prostration saying, "We believe in faith Moosa".
This makes the Pharaoh was very angry and he warned them that if they do not take back their words, they will be tortured.They do not change their minds and he cut off their hands and feet and then kill them. Allah told Prophet Musa (AS) to warn Pharaoh that He will punish him and his people if they continue on their way. But Pharaoh was too proud to listen to the warning.
The disaster that struck the pride of Pharaoh
Soon the country was hit by famine. Swarms of locusts that eat away the plants. The Nile river flood causing major damage.People suffering from fleas and tumor. When this happens people rushed to the Prophet Musa (AS) asked him to pray for their help and promised to follow his religion. But when they recover, and the situation improves, they return to their idolatry.
Prophet Musa (AS) gathered the people of Bani Israa'eel and go to Palestine. Pharaoh learn their escape and follow them with a large army. When Israa'eel Bani reaches the Red Sea they saw Pharaoh approached and convinced that they would be killed.However, the Prophet Musa (AS) struck the waters with his rod and open water, making a dry road. People rushed through and crossed safely. When Pharaoh saw the way he entered the sea at the head of his troops. But while he was in the middle of the ocean waters suddenly closed around him and his men. and that we can learn from the stories is we should be able to distinguish between right and wrong, because we are in the mind and thoughts were given by god, andwe have to believe everything we do there must be rewarded,
the tribe of Prophet Moosa (AS).
*Prophet Ismail AS.
ReplyDelete# Keeping hard working, be patient and pray to God
Part in the story
Hajar try to find water for his son, Ismail. She had run until seven times between Safa and Marwah hill. Although she is tired, she still found it and patient. She prayed to God to give them water. After that, not far from Ismail, there was a handsome man who thrust his feet to the ground. And there was a miracle, from the ground came out so much money. And now, it’s called Zam-Zam.
Application in the real life
We must pray to God to get what we want. But, not just pray to God, we must do everything that can make our want come true. Allah will give what we want if we try to find the way to get that. For the example : we want to get score in our task. So, we must study hard and do the best for it. But, if we had to do it and we doesn’t get it we must be patient and pray to God. Still think that Allah will give the best for us.
*Prophet Noah AS.
# Obedient to our parent
Part in the story
When prophet Noah called his son, Kan’an, to followed him in his ship. Prophet Noah said that in that day there was no saved people except who follow Prophet Noah in his ship. But, Kan’an refused that, he still run to the mountain to save his self. But, although he run to the that, he still not saved, and he died.
Application in the real life
We must obey our parent. What our parent want is the best for us, although it’s different from our want. But, we must do that. Our parent know what thing that it’s the best for us, our parent always want that us become a good person and success. For example : we want to get study mathematic in university, but, our parent didn’t agree with us. They want us to get study economic there. We must obey to them. Maybe at the first it’s so hard, but sure that we can do it. Make our parent happy is the good thing that Allah love from someone.
*Prophet Daud AS.
# Always asked forgiveness from the God
Part in the story
One day, come two persons in Prophet Daud’s home. One of them said : “my brother has 99 goats and me just have one. He asked me to give mine for him so his goats become 100”. Prophet Daud said : “if that true, consequently your brother was tyrant to you. So, he must get punishment”. The other man said : “hay Daud, actually you must get the punishment. You had 99 wifes. But, why you want to marry the girl who will marry with your army”. After heard that, suddenly prophet Daud was silent. Then, that persons went away from prophet Daud’s home. Prophet Daud knew that the persons was the angel who sent by Allah to him. After that, he directly prayed to God and asked forgiveness for his mistake.
Application in the real life
Every day we do many kind of work. Without we know or no, we always doing mistake. Although it’s just little thing, we must pray to God to ask forgiveness. Because, everything we do, Allah would replace it. If we do bad thing, we will get the bad ones. But, if we do a good thing, we will get the good ones. So, we must ask the forgiveness from Allah for our mistake.
Prophet Yahya : Tell the truth of Allah teach to another though that’ll be hard
ReplyDeleteSometimes, we’ll find another people or our friend that doing fault. And as a good moeslem, we should to give them know about the right way. But, not all of people wanna listen another. There’s some people who think that they are the one who right. They’d never like to gat some advice. But you still have to tell them the right one. Without no force on. Though they’ll be so angry or on a mad on you, or maybe don’t want to be your friend anymore. And remember, Allah is always give good people good things too. So, maybe Allah have another plan for you if you are in a trouble.
Prophet Shaleh : Look around, and you’ll see hows Greatness of Allah truly are
Look the ant. They are*small. But they can bring thousands more than their own weight. They can organize their colonies as well. They good each other and doing everything together.
Prophet Syu’aib : there’s always something we can get from Listen another
There’s always the time when you’ll get a story from another people. They told you what they wanna you to knew. A bored story? Nothing important? Then keep listen. Allah ever said : “I create something without no vain”. So when you get a story or something tell to you by Allah through another people, feel sure that Allah wants you to get something from that story. Just try to listen carefully and find them! ^^
After reading the story of prophet sholeh, I learn something that is we have to realize that all the creature in this world, including our smartness, have a creator. That is the Almighty Allah. If we realize that our smartness comes from Allah, we will never be an arrogant person. Because we know that there is the one who knows everything inside and outside our heart, that is the One Allah. Our smartness is nothing. When we realize that, it will increase our faith to the god and it also will leads us to the right way in our life. We know that, smartness is like a knife with two blades. It can make us live in a good live in which all of our dreams come true, but it also can make us loss in this world. We will step in the wrong way, such us become a corruptor or something else.
ReplyDeleteAnd than, from the story of prophet Dawud we learn how brave he is. when he was a boy he managed to defeat an evil ruler with all his courage. This story teach us to be brave as long as we right, brave to face this life. Because, although everything is seems too hard but if we brave enough to face them, there are nothing impossible if god willed. Like nowadays, all of us , accelerated class, are busy with college. where we are going to college? accepted or not? then what about the written test and so forth. Sometimes we get tired of it all, but we must dare to go, willing to take any risk to reach our dreams and do not forget to pray to god. We have to believe in our heart , if we dare to step in this way god will help us.
The last is from the story of prophet Ismail. I think since our childhood we have been familiar with the story of prophet Ismail, who willingly gave his life for his father at the request of the God. What a beautiful story. then what can we learn?
I, you, us, are a child, right ? a child who would have much to learn from the prophet ismail. We are as a child, should always give good treat to our parents. they who have raised us to be like this now. our duty as a child was on the advice of their children and be proud of. How noble a child who can make their parents happy, just like prophet ismail whom blessed by God. then how do we devote to our parents? because we are a student let’s start first of learning, start from school. let's study hard to get the best result, we will face the national exams several days again. Let’s devote to our parents in a simple way first, by passing the national exam with a satisfactory value.
Moral Value
ReplyDeletefrom the story of Prophets :D
1. Prophet Ismail
for me, this story most tells us not to easily give up to get what we really want and need, we must try hard, then give it all to Allah to decide if we deserve it or not. God will always help us, if we really serious with what we are willing to have, as long as it’s a positive thing.
It showed when once the baby Ismail crying and wanted to drink, while there at the desert there were no water AT ALL.His mother Hajar sacrificed herself just to find water for her kid, she ran out through safa and marwah which are very far. She even needed 7 times running between them til Allah finally helped her out by giving water from the kick of Ismail’s feet.
In our life for example, when we are about to face a test in school, if we want to get a good score, ofcourse we have to study hard before the test, right ? not only studying, we also need to pray to the god. Because all works will mean nothing without god's will, nothing would happen if he doesn’t let it.
Then if we still can’t get what we need or the result ain’t the same with what we want, we must not give up or blaming god for not giving us the best, but we have to see inside ourselves one more time. Always positive thinking, think that it means god still want us to do more than this. If we study harder, then we'll get a better record. Trust me, god never sleeps, pray to him before and after we do our best, and the best would belong to us :)
2. Prophet Shalih
Here is what I learn from this story : Arrogancy will only destroy ourselves.
This story told how the Thamood was hit by a huge terrible disaster and they could only run nowhere. It was all because they were smart and thought they were smartest, so when Shalih prophet came to them and asked them back to the right ways, they refused. They thought that was just bullshit in what prophet Shalih said. They thought nothing could ever bring them down, even Allah the God. They didn’t even believe that God existed, they too much believed in themselves for their strength and smartness. They were too arrogant to believe that God did exist, even when there were already so many proofs.
In our life, we have to always stay humble even if sometimes we got something better than someone else’s, we have no right to be arrogant. If we could stay true, not held high our pride, then Allah would also not give us that kind of reminder, and we will still safe living in this world ?
3. Prophet Daud
one thing i learn , make sure to look inseide ourselves first before look out and judge people.
see ? prophet Daud asked people not to be greedy by wanting one more goat for his others 99 goats while he himself wanted one more wife even if he had 99 wives.
application in life : when we are about to say something about someone else, try to hold it in, correct ourselves first, are we good enough to judge on someone else's flaws ?
everyone has flaws, try to understand it :)
Kafiyatul Aysha
ReplyDelete*Prophet Sholeh*
There is someone who is evil in our selfish and tried everything. But we have to do is be patient, sincere, and reply with something hat is good. There is a saying "The water tube rewarded with milk", as that's what we should do. With sincerity, then there is no feeling of revenge after the evil they do. Prophet Saleh has these character and we should application in our live
Example: While other people slander us, mocking us. Be patient! And greet them with our kindness. With kindness, then little by littlethey will realize their mistake and will change her for be better.
*Prophet Ismail*
Observe what they're told by their parents as long as it's good for us. And do not be bad for the parents .. When we obey their parents, then the blessings God will accompany us, because God is blessing us in our parents.
Example: One day, you want to go somewhere with your friends, but ypur parents forbid you to leave because they feel something is not good. But, you argue and keep going. Along the way, you were given by god in the form of crash disaster. From this story, the moral value is Observe what they're told by their parents as long as it's good for us and in right way.
*Prophet Yahya*
Do not susceptible to incitement of others who do not necessarily true. Things like this can easily lead to misunderstandings and event of a dispute . As prophet yahya who are victims because of incitement Hirodia. hirodia seduced and told her uncle's power to decapitate yahya, but what is prophet yahya doing is truth. Incitement also led to injustice because of it.
Example: There is a wife who lived alone in her house, because her husband went to work out of town. The wife was lonely and one day there are people who say the ugliness of her husband and the wife suggested that finding a replacement for him. At first wife was tempted, but he clung to his faith and not be tempted, and remain faithful to her husband. Rewarded his loyalty with the god when they were brought together and their relationship with the pillars and their lives for the better since her husband's work more smoothly, but they did not forget with they god.
1. Noah Prophet
ReplyDeleteNever give up to do good.
Noah prophet never showed signs of tiredness during this long time (950 years). Noah continued to invite people to worship Allah through disputation. He stay believe in Allah, though his wife and his son is the unbelievers.
Never give up to do good.
Even if it is only one other person in the world that has achieved what you have set out to achieve, that should be reason enough for you to never give up.
2. Shalih prophet
Good things may not always come to those who wait, but most good things that do come don't come right away.
When Shalih prophet ask the people of Tsamud to believe in Allah, he usually get a ridiculed words and doing from hem. But he never angry or bored with them. He always patient, until then he ask to Allah and pray for them.
And there will be haters.
There will always be plenty of naysayers and people who try to tear you down. Don't pay attention to them and don't take what they say to heart.
Let the haters hate and you keep believing in yourself.
3. Daud Prophet
God always has its own way to realize His slave. Although sometimes in a way that is not easily imaginable.
When Daud prophet still had 99 wifes and someday, he ask the wife of his soldiers. Then Allah awaken aand remind him by His own way.
When we make mistake but we are not aware of it, and still continue. Then God will awaken and remind us by His own way.
(Istiqomatul. A I / 04)