Wisdom from XII IPA 1
Wisdom can be learned from many ways, and one of them is from the prophets' stories. Prophets' stories are given in al Qur'an. There are some purposes or many purposes why they are given through al Qur'an. Generations by generations can learn so many lessons from the prophets in order that they can live happily and strive in the right ways.
Prophets' stories are the most wonderful stories that are suitable for all eras, so to those who like to learn wisdom from the prophets will find the true happiness, insyaallah.
Students, you can upload or write your wisdom that you have got from the prophets' stories after you have listened to your friends who told the stories or told the stories by yourselves here!
'love and wisdom' as the basic of my teaching - dianahera63@gmail.com - Ex- teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari, Pasuruan - Indonesia
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1. From Prophet Nuh
ReplyDelete• Always be patient to face all of the really life
like prophet Nuh,
He always be patient when he get a mock from infidel people when he build the ark. He never be angry but it make prophet Nuh stronger than before because he want to prove that he is true that he will be a big flood in the town.
In daily life we can apply this message , for example :
When I have a problem like another people hate mey self without reason, I never know what was I do, so they hate me.
But I always be patient , and I think Allah always beside of me.I also think that my friend not just them, there are many friend in around me who want to make friend with me.
• What we have now , not as long as we will have it
Like prophet Nuh,
His son get out from islam and he prefer to follow infidel people and never believe on his father, allthough he was his own son, but prophet Nuh sincere to lose him.
In daily life we can apply this message , for example :
When we have a friend, they not as long as can be a good friend, sometimes our friend bring a negative effect to our life, for example they want us to follow them to do something which we think it was bad.
Will we must do it????? And defend them to be our friend???
“I think no!!!”
“ a good friend wiil never fall forward his own friend to do badness”.
So, we better to found another good friend, because still were many good person who want to be our friend.
2. From prophet Yusuf
• Be a person who can take care of self-esteem and don’t be easy to influenced by devil’s persuade.
Like prophet Yusuf, when Zulaicha temp Yusuf with her body’s beauty and lock all of the door to make prophet Yusuf can’t go anyway, but prophet Yusuf can control his self and he remain of Allah.
In daily life we can apply this message , for example :
We must take care our self esteem, don’t be easy to give what we have just for money or etc, because self esteem was very valuable which can’t be change with anything.
We must believe that Allah will help us if we need anything .
• Don’t accused someone before we know the truth.
Like prophet Yusuf,
When there was some woman accuse prophet Yusuf, infact they never see him. When prophet yusuf come out, they were interest with his handsome. At that time Zulaicha said to the woman that people who was discussed by them is Yusuf,so the woman was ashame.
In daily life we can apply this message , for example :
We may not to accused someone before we know the truth, for example when our things was lose. We usually accused someone steal it, but we must seek it before we accused someone.
It possible that we forget to put our thing,etc.
• Don’t look at someone from her beauty or her glory, but look at someone from the inside of him/her.
Like prophet yusuf, after the husband of zulaicha was die, zulaicha become ugly and look older, he also poor.
But she love prophet yusuf very much, at the first prophet yusuf refused her but Allah says that “ allthough zulaicha didn’t have glory and beauty, but Allah have strengght,power and greatness”.
Finnaly prophet yusuf love her too, because of Allah.
In daily life we can apply this message , for example :
We maynot to choose just handsome/ beautifull person to be our friend or our boy/ girl friend. The performance of person not gueranted that he/she was a good person.
It possible that a handsome/beautifull person is have a bad attitide, and an ugly person have a good attitude.
Remain on the proverb
“don’t judge the book by it’s cover “..
Diah Wahyuni
1. prophet Ayyub
Deletemoral values:
we must be patient to face all the temptations of this world.
when the Prophet Ayyub get a serious disease and it took 18 years to heal, close family and distant family who had rejected him and throw him out but he remained patient and always pray to Allah. And finally the Prophet Ayyub can be recovered.
application in my life:
when I was vilified by my friend, there's a nagging feeling, every time I see him my heart as if to take revenge, every day I pray for guidance and patience so that he no longer slandering me and wanted to apologize, it was initially difficult for him to apologize, I passed day after day, every prayer I do not forget to pray, and finally he apologized.
2. prophet ismail
moral value:
obedient and dutiful to parents.
One day the Prophet Ibrahim dreamed that God commanded to kill his son (Ishmael). Ismail said, "My father! If this is the revelation that we must obey, then I am willing to be slaughtered.
application in my life:
My parents always taught me good things, one of which must be obedient and loyal to both parents. when I was sick, my mother told me to clean the house, I patiently and dutifully cleaning the house despite the pain, it is my duty to do chores around the house, finally find out that my sick mother.
parents always give the best for their children so the children obey their parents. even though our parents never scolded us simply because our parents care and affection to their children
dessy triska / 35
ReplyDelete“ When we get a problem and it’s a bad problem from another person, we must be patient and don’t be angry. Al of it come from Allah and believe that it will be the best from Allah to us”
Take from prophet Muhammad SAW
“ When prophet Muhammad give some lesson about Islam to the social of Quraisy, some people of Quraisy especially fom the woman who unlike him, they spittle him, but prophet Muhammad not angry with them. In fact he pray to Allah to give them feeling in their heart to always say thanks to Alla and giving right way from Allah..”
“ At the time, usually we have a problem in our life, like with our friends, our parents, our study in school and many other and we try to get out and put out it
In around of us. Even know the problem can make us angry, feel sad, and not to do anymore, but remember we have god.. All of them start from Allah and god know and dure had giving the best lesson for us. Although in ou mine and logically it’s a bad problem and have notheing positive influence.
But this is the secret a problem that come from Allah, having a wisdom for us. Don’t be angry, refresh our mine and the problem will finish immediately.”
“ Some thing that we see it’s a bad thing for us, it’s not sure also become bad thing for Allah.. “
Take from prophet Sulaiman
“ When prophet Sulaiman walking around in the street, he walk alone.. Then in the street when he stiil walked, he stop his foot to walked again and suddenly he saw a dog. The dog was very dirty..
After a few minutes, prophet Sulaiman said to the dog, “ This is a very dirty dog “
But come a miracle and unlogically the dog answer what prophet Sulaiman said.. “ I made by Allah, I always say thanks to Allah because I get a dirty body.. “
“ in our life, we always know about every body who there with us. All of us is same by Allah. Not cure for a rich person, poor person, diligent person and many other. Usually we see a poor person and then we also see a rich person in around us.
We must not to bad words for poor person and always good for rich person because only Allah can know every body who the Allah was loved, like a dirty dog in story of prophet Sulaiman..”
ReplyDelete.Massage from Prophet yusuf
*be patient although people hate me.
in story of yusuf prophrt
Prophry yusuf is son who most loved by prophet yakub.after the brother know if the father most love yusuf than they,so they hate yusuf and want to kill him.But yusuf always patient and never revenge.
in my life :
i have friend in grade x ,she is my student in extaculiculer PASKIBRA.But I dont know my mistake,suddenly she wicked to me and always scronful to me.
my friend said that she jealous to me because their friends of she always praise me and cal me "mbak barbie"
I confuse with this problem but i think the solution is take forgive with she,but she not forgive me and always wicked and scronful to me.
*Massage from Adam Prophet
if she or he is my mate not will run evwry where.
like prophet adam and hawa separate 4 hundred year,but after many years prophet adam and hawa meet again in place who padang arafah.
in my life
i ever like with one boy in junior high school and he also have same feel like me,but there is a woman who not like if me and he allied.So she smashed my relationship.he and me separate 3 years.but i think is he is my mate,he will come back to me.and really now we near agaibn.
Aulia Rahma
aDESTA S.P (02)
ReplyDeleteMORAL VALUE from Prophet Muhammad
Once a man came to the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and said, "Oh prophet of Allah, I have many bad habits. Which one of them should I give up first?" The prophet said, "Give up telling lies first and always speak the truth." The man
promised to do so and went home. At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out, he thought
for a moment about the promise he made with the prophet. "If tomorrow the prophet asks me where have I been, what shall I say? Shall I say that I went out stealing? No, I cannot say that. But nor can I lie. If I tell the truth,
everyone will start hating me and call me a thief. I would be punished for stealing."
application in my lifes :
I know that my friend had stolen.
but I am afraid to tell that he had stolen.
I'm confused,finally I was told that he had stolen
MORAL VALUE from Prophet Nuh
Consequently Almighty Allah answered the prayer of Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) by asking him to build an ark (a very big boat). The Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) knew that Allah planned to drown all those sinners who had rejected His Commandments. He began to build the ark with the help of his followers. They went on working constantly from dawn to dusk. When the boat began to take shape, the disbelievers made fun of them. The transgressors thought that the Prophet Nuh (peace be upon him) and his followers were becoming crazy and were losing their balance of mind.
Application in my lifes:
I got a test when my father died.
I am very sad and makes me cry.
but I must be patient in living it.
I believe there will be lessons from it all
1. From Prophet Noah
ReplyDelete Don’t look someone only from the physical and face, but look them for their heart. Don’t have negative thinking for person who do the strange thing, but take positive think for the purpose of that strange thing. And be patient on face the problem.
When prophet Noah built the ark, many people think negatively and said bad word to him. Although the prophet Noah have gave the warning that there was disaster. They only think that what the prophet Noah did is strange, they didn’t think the purpose of it.
I had problem with my friend. She always think badly or negative to me. Everything what I did is strange of her eyes. Also she looked bad to me because I am short and thin. When she mock me, I only keep silent. Sometimes I cry, and think hard about it until my body become more thin than before. And then one of my good friend said that it just test from Allah, I have to strong on face it. If I give up Allah will give me test more, and also my friend who take negative thinking of me will continue her mock. So I try to be patient, looking the best way, talk to her and finish our debate. So we not have problem again.
2. From Prophet David
The victory of David over Jalout not make him arrogant and takabbur applicable, but on the contrary he to be humble and gentle. So don’t be arrogant on doing something.
When prophet David successes defeated the jalout, he not be arrogant and takabbur. But he become sahaja. So he could take son –in-law by The King Thalout. Because he knew that, if he became arrogant, Allah would give him warning.
When I got the happiness thing, that I could beat my enemy in the contest, also got first number in the class. I feel, I was the best from the others at that time. I was takabbur and arrogant. But, maybe Allah gave me warning. On the next I got fourth number in the class. I was shy and sad.I had realized my mistake. When I got happinees, I don’t say thank you to Allah but I am arrogant. From that, I try to change my attitude, lost my takabbur and don’t want to repeat it again. Because the position isn’t everything.
1. From Prophet Noah
Delete• We must be patient
When prophet noah built the ark he must be patient and carefully.
When he told to his society and his son they never listened him. But he always remain them.
When I got bad score in my test I never give up but I alwaysstudy hard, for example: when my Japanese test was shared I got 45 in the beginning I was sad and almost give up to study it but I want to get good score in my Japanese because it is very interesting so I study by my self and study with my friend.
2. From prophet Saleh
• We must say with each other
When tsamud people killed she camel they were afraid that the water was taken by the she camel so they were very stingy.
All of people has social soul and love each other, when my friend need something I would have them if I can. When one of my friend didn’t have any money to buy a book I lend them.
1. Prophet Ayub
ReplyDelete• The moral
Humans constantly tested by god with various trial.faith range of quality is the faith that endure various trials.
As the story of the prophet yunus: God created him to be an exemplary human being endure trials, patience and calmness in the face trial.various kinds of trials and temptations of the prophet yunus, for example, the prophet yunus remained patient when the devil thought that Job would complain after the loss of livestock and land agriculture in the possessed, and also when he was stricken ill.
I can be more patient when I was on trial by the gods to give it a disease, I realized that I was fortunate to be accompanied by family and nursed back to health
2. Prophet yunus
• The moral
Patience is the key to success
As the story of Prophet Yunus: the trials faced by the Prophet Yunus, when the prophet yunus being swallowed by a huge fish , then the prayer of the prophet prophet Yunus beg forgiveness then received by the gods, with the help of god, finally get out of the belly of the fish it, so the prophet Yunus alive.
I am having trouble doing in the matter, although I tried repeatedly failed, I tried I keep trying I always optimistic managed it.
1.Prophet Ilyasa.
ReplyDeleteMoral message: life like a wheel, but the punishment will be reduced by the gods when humans are not good at gratitude.
Application: when the people of the prophet Elisha fear of punishment from Allah. they obey the commandments and teachings of Elisha so that his people and live a safe and prosperous. But after the Prophet Elisha's death, his people back to the crooked path. From day to day, they are increasingly kufr and disobedience to the teachings of Allah. Elisha who had delivered during his lifetime. Because of their refusal, God Almighty. remove and recall favors given to them.
Application in live: a very rich, like officials in Indonesia. although they are rich but among them there are still not satisfied with what they have to perform acts of corruption. their actions can harm others as well as taking rights of others. because what they did and God punishes those they see themselves by taking all the pleasure that they have even lost it all. of taking all the wealth they have until he's in jail.
2.Prophet Musa
Moral message: a lesson for us, such as meeting with prophet prophet Khidr Moses on their journey. let us find the most superior, most clever than others, there are still beyond us.
Application: occurred at the time of prophet musa meeting with the prophet Khidr, in the way that the prophet musa increasingly aware of his weakness and lax, especially in the lack of patience or hasty in asking a thing.
Application in live: in everyday life, sometimes we rush in to do something and it makes the things we do not fit with what we expect. because we are not careful and careless. therefore do not do things in haste.,
Moral message from prophet ayyub:
ReplyDelete1.To show to other people in the world if face the test we must be strong and patient like ayyub prophet
Relationship with the story:
When ayyub prophet have been sick and be poor all of friends and his family leave him. Ayyub always surrender and pray to ALLAH SWT. He didn’t give up and try in order to he become well.
I have experience the test from ALLAH SWT like always get bad score in mathematic test but, I have learned about it. I was very sad and almost gave up to study about mathematic. But, ALLAH gave me a showing in order to didn’t give up. The showing was from my mother attitude .My mother never wanted to work but, one day she wanted to work in order to could pay I and my brother school tuition. I felt sad and poor to my mother because she was very sincere did everything for her children. Finally, I didn’t give up again with mathematic although it’s very difficult thing for me.
2.We must thanks to ALLAH SWT although we get test.
Relationship with the story:
When ayyub prophet got sick and couldn’t hand by doctor or medicine. He always thanks and taqwa to ALLAH SWT like explain in QS Al-anbiya 83-84. He always pray to ALLAH SWT and thanks for the test because it’s remain him in order he wasn’t arrogant.
When I was in elementary school. I always be number one in my class. I always get the best score in my report book and in the test. But, Once upon a time, when I was in the 4th grade. I have bad experience. I got bad score and my rank was down. I was very sad about it. I told to my mother and she said to me” It is your lucky. Don’t sad about it.”Since my rank was down, there was no friends who wanted to play and study with me. I felt alone. One day, maybe ALLAH SWT gave me a showing for me. I look at my senior. She was very usual people and always happy person. At that time, she came to me and told everything. She knew about me more because she always see me from far. Finally, she adviced me in order to I followed ”pengajian” every Sunday in the mosque. She said to me” If, you follow it, you can know about life. Since followed it my life it’s very wonderfull. I study hard again and never saw my rank.
3.ALLAH give ayyub prophet test in order to he wasn’t arrogant.
Relationship with the story:
When ayyub rich, had many friends and children. He never be arrogant . He always keep widow, weak person, and poor society.
I like English lesson very much. I like it since in elementary school. I always get good score when I did English test. My friends asked me to teach them in English lesson.
One day, I would get English test in my elementary school. But, I felt if I could so, I didn’t study at night. I played game and watched TV. My mother said to me “Vita, do you not study??” I answered “No mom. Tomorrow is English test, I am sure that I can get good score.” My mother went away. In the morning. When English test came. I looked at the question but, I felt very difficult to think about the answer although the test was very easy according to the other people. Finally, I filled the answer whatever.
When the test was shared I got smallest score in the class. So, I felt sad and regret because I underestimate it. So, I said sorry to my mother and my self. Finally, in whatever test and lesson I must study at the first in order to could do it.
Ainurokhmi Aprilianti/XII IA 1/(8)
ReplyDelete1. Prophet Ayub: Human always be tested by the gods with a variety of trials and temptation, the prophet Ayub did not complain despite being given a skin disease and loss of his beloved children, he remains diligent in worship and did not leave because of the ordeal he faced, it could be an example for mankind.
2. Prophet Hud: Prophet Hud is a man of patience, perseverance and gracefully in the face of a stubborn and his people to worship idols, he had warned the AAD is idolatry to worship God because there is no god but Him, but the AAD would not give it every generation who would deny the helter-devastated and safe for those who believe, the nature of the prophet Hud can be used as an example in undergoing.
Amelia Indah P/XII IA1
ReplyDelete1. Prophet Moses : Don't think that You are perfect but see what perfect is people's eyes, for example : He (Prophet Moses) think that he's The Perfect one and The Clever one, but He Don't know that there are more clever tha Him, after he has teach by Prophet Khidir he know the truth and he became a Kind man and Be a Good Leader
2. Prophet Zakharia : Always Patient for everything, for example : When He (Zakharia) have no child in his Old Age, he always pray and Make a Hope to God for have a child, He Promised with humbled and patient, and at last God Give his Promise and Prophet Zakharia have a Child.
Charda Eben Haezer/XII IA1/27
ReplyDeleteProphet Yahya (John) : Wise is good even No One denied it, Story : When King Herodus want to marriage his stepdaughter and No One in that palace have a brave to Denied it but Prophet John have a Brave to denied it and He Curse them In The Name of God if He Married hiis stepdaughter
Prophet Ayub : Always Kind even His Trial is Big and No One Love Him/Her Anymore, Story : Prophet Ayub was a Richest man In His place and he was a Kind man and wise too, but Someday God give him a trial and he have a Bad disease and all his Son and His Daughter was death, even his Wife hate him, But Prophet Ayub still Wise and Patient, he Always Praise God in His disease, and then God Return all his Rich and all his stuff Twice more than he have before.
Moral message from prophet Musa:
ReplyDeleteBe sincere.
Relationship with the story:
When Musa wanted to kill by king firaun. His mother throw him into the Nil river to save him. Although his mother loved him very much but, she sincere if his lovely son throw into nil river without the certain.
In daily life we must be sincere when we lost something. For example: I lose my ring from my best friend, I was shock because I could keep it. I’m cry but, after I told it to my friend she asked me to be sincere. My friend never angry to me maybe it was not my mine.
Moral message from ayyub prophet:
We must pray and taqwa to ALLAH although we get test
Relationship with the story:
When ayyub got the hard sick. He always pray and taqwa to ALLAH although he got very hard and dangerous disease but, he never forget to ALLAH. He always pray and pray like explain in Al-Anbiya 83-84.
When I had an accident my toe was sick. I was very lazy to take bath or pray. So, I leave my pray ad my activity only sleep and eat. But, I felt that my body is very hard to going well so, I remembered that we could leave our pray although we got sick.
1) Prophet Yusuf:
ReplyDelete * always patient, affectionate, and always forgive others like the story of prophet yusuf though he was hated by his brothers but he always forgave visible when the prophet yusuf in the exhaust into the well by his brother without compassion and a loving prophet yusuf who want to get together again a sister and parents.
The story: I used to hate my friend, I was accused of vilifying his theme, but I just advised not to fall, then hate me but I still patient.long after they apologized and it's just a misunderstanding, I for giving and friends again.
* Obey our parents
Like the story of prophet yusuf as providing clothes gemis through her sisters to rub his eyes in order to see.
The story: I used to get sustenance (money). At that time my mother would borrow money to buy food, then I give half of my money to my beloved mother.
2) Prophet Ismail:
* God always protect those who believe and obey him.
Like the story of prophet Ishmael and his father (ibrahim) who are willing and sincere to slaughter Ismail ,Ismail is the kids even though most in affection, but for the sake of Allah he obeydience to carry out orders, but God is know and replace it with a fat goat.
The story: I used to have a bracelet that I think is good and there was a small child, his brother neighboring me, I'm holding the bracelet, then I give there soon my friend who gave me a gift to the hair ribbon and it is great .
* life must strive and pray
Like the story of prophet Ishmael and his mother Hagar is a long journey from Mecca pelestina to the barren and no attempt is given lake water.with came of zam-zam from the angel Gabriel through God.
The story: I was at school when facing the National Exam, I always pray and diligently learn eventually I get a satisfactory and graduated and went to school I dreamed of the SMAN 1 Purwosari
The Moral Value is:
ReplyDeleteFrom Prophet Idris.
1. We can be patient with the problem given by God.
» In a story of propet Idris:
Prophet Idris can be patient when thought many kinds of scince to his people such as writing, sewing, science of Tauhid and etc.
» I can be more patient when l had to teach my little brother, at the first l tought him impatiently with smuting. Now l have changed because l realized that teaching in that way will never be succes.
2. We can share to every body, we can give thaks and shared it each other.
» In the story of prophet Idris:
He can make his people life more essy byteaching many kinds of science to his people.
»When l have a problem if which l cannot solve it, l did something that l set a side my money for other. I believe that way l can feel more release to solve my problem.
From Prophet Muhammad.
1. We will know the real life, simple life wll always bring us to the hindness.
» In a story of Muhammad:
Muhammad is a prophet who live in simple life especially in clothing.
»I realived that, when many people who lives in poor who cannot supply their their need. I know more about world. L sould do that is l have to fulfill the more important things and the need that less important.
From Prophet Isa.
1. Don’t be jealoush with others faith or other succes.
» In a story Prophet Isa:
Prophet Isa being enemy by Quraisy people, because he is succes to be a good leader when Prophet Isa will be hilled by Quraisy people, he is saved by Allah and keep saved in the heaven.
» I also want to be the best among other people, but to be the best, l sould not be jealousy to others. It means that jealousy has lost something in his life. So, if you want to be succes we have to try had.
Moral message from ayyub prophet:
ReplyDelete1. We must thanks to ALLAH, when I given something by ALLAH SWT,
Relationship with the story:
When ayyub got sick he always thanks to ALLAH because it can be use for the lesson by his society and all of people in the world.
such as ALLAH gave me brain, complete body, healthy and the family that love me. But, I ever complain because ALLAH gave me a big body and I felt shy, but I don’t want give up with the condition, I must say thanks to ALLAH and my parents always give me support. Finally I fell that ALLAH create every the creator with the different characteristic. So we must say thanks , because ALLAH have been believe us as a KHALIFAH. If in the world ALLAH create the creator with the same form so I think life will be bored. But, If the condition can be changed, we must effort so we can study on our life and fell life is very happy and important
2. To show to other people in the world if face the test we must be strong and patient.
Relationship with the story:
When ayyub face the hard disease, he constantly pray to ALLAH although the disease is very hard and couldn’t hand by medicine.
I want to make my parents happy so I always effort become a good person. One day, I follow the olimpiade, I felt happy. I try to study every day, I always pray to ALLAH in order to I can be success in olimpiade. But, when olimpiade start, I work the test with happy feeling and sure if ALLAH will help me. And, finally, I can’t be a winner. Firstly, I fell disappointed but, I think it doesn’t matter. Disappointed will make me give up and I believe if I spirit and patient so I will get something that make me happy
1.-Do not be an angry and vengeful.
ReplyDelete-One day the prophet muhammad s.a.w went to to’if to preach. there were prophets rejected, insulted, and was stoned to bleed. but the prophet muhammad s.a w not repay them, the prophet would prefer them to pray for their forgiveness.
-One day I had in contempt by my friend because of my physical shortcomings, but my patience to deal with. finally when they need help, I try to help as much as me, because we should not hold grudges against each other.
2.-Be a trustworthy person
-prophet muhammad earned the nickname "Al-amin" which means that can be trusted because of the nature of honesty, trust him, to trade, the prophet told the truth about the state of the items in the sale, because it was a great prophet of profit in trade.
-I ever got a message from a friend, in the form of coins to be donated to the mosque. I like to think where to donate this money, because I was a little embarrassed to bring the money directly, but this is a mandate, so it should be done, I finally donated a bit, and now the message is already done.
This is my story, what your story?
Name : Alfian Nur Ferdianzah
Class : XII IA 1 (12)
1 .Message from prophet ADAM AS
ReplyDelete• Moral message
we must always obedient with regulation don’t must influenced with flattery to other . when prophet adam and hawa still stay in the heaven . the foebidden to eat khuldi fruit by allah Swt , But with the influenced for evil , finally prophet Adam and hawa to eat it . So they to chase from heaven and they must stay in the world .
On the real situation now a day , we can apply this message for example :
I ever to desert to school because invitation my friend . and that time I’m not doing homework , so I agree it .
2 . Message from prophet ZAKARIA AS
• Moral message
We must try hard to have what we want .
For example :
Like prophet Zakaria , because he have no child 4 years he always pray to crod and here , give up and god take his promise . And give him a child .
In real situation , when we have a test and here a bad score . don’t you give up with that but try harder for have a good score , and don’t forget to pray , because every thing is possible by God .
XII IA 1 / 36
1. Prophet ilyasa (Elisha)
ReplyDelete• Moral messaged
If the day of kufr and disobedience grow it,god will destroy the enjoyment and pleasure from them
Prophet ilyasa is people prophet that dividen for to continue the task of preaching to the prophet ilyasa,the children of Israel,but after the prophet Elisha’s death,his people back to the crooke from day to day.they are increasingly kufr and disobedience to the teaching of allah.elisha who had delivered during his life time.because of their refusal god almighty remove and recall favors given to them.
• For example a rich man,even his money more than good,many rich man who want more money like corrupt,and his mistake it make him go to jail,and make him poo r forever.
2.prophet Muhammad
Moral message:
We must always be patient like as prophet Muhammad for example from story prophet Muhammad for examplefrom story prophet Muhammad , at that time prophet Muhammad . at spit for the woman , but the prophet always do not patien angry and other wise he fell joy . When prophet Muhammad walk behind her house , but prophet Muhammad not see a woman who always pity him , and prophet Muhammad ask for someone about her house then prophet Muhammad came into her house .
Someday when we in bad position and the people hate you , because your performance , even he on that position we must patient .
XII IA 1 / 22
1 .Message from prophet Muhammad SAW
ReplyDelete• Moral messaged
We should be able to forgive the mistakes to other , even though he did not apologize to us . like a story of prophet Muhammad is :
When the prophet Muhammad passed in front of her house , at time also the woman spit to him but one time when he passed in front of her house again he wait for the woman who spit him , he wait so long and when he look into her house . he saw that the woman was sick.
everyday I spit you “ And the prophet replied” yes , spitting you because you do not know about true Islamic . “ And then prophet Muhammad has forgiven her mistake , even she not say I’m sorry .
On the real situation now a day , we can applay this message , for example :
When I have a problem , I have no mistake and then I have forgive her even she not forgive me .
2 . Message from prophet Yusuf AS
• We must not jealous with
Prophet Yusuf have 12 brother but his father only love to prophet yusuf and the prophet yusuf very handsome that them . so his brother felt envywith him . One day they invited yusuf to forest . but in here prophet yusuf to push in the well , and then all of them back again to the house . And they tell to his father about prophet yusuf was eaten by wolf . so his father felt sad about him .
On the real situation now a day , we can apply this message for example :
I have one sister , she is more beautiful than me , and she always lucky than me . But I must not jealous with here because all of the people past give subsitence by allah and we must towork to get .
XII IA 1 / 26
ReplyDelete1.always thanks to god for all of the given to us.
When the social of Sodom like man by man and they don’t respect warning to them but they don’t respect it for the story,we know the woman is not respect by the man in social Sodom and they no thanks to god for all of the given to them.
In the real situation now a day, when we get happiness actually sometime we forget thanks to god.
1. Always wise and patient and be a god .
When prophet isa come into somaria woman and somariah woman
And somariah woman don’t know trought of patient and wise than isa told her about the truth of wise and patient after than she know the truth and she change .
In the real situation now a day , when I in bad situation like no one care of me and I became their enemy I always patient and wise two show them than I always be a good man
XII IA 1 / 04
1 .Message from prophet Muhammad SAW
ReplyDelete• Moral messaged
We should be able to forgive the mistakes to other , even though he did not apologize to us . like a story of prophet Muhammad is :
When the prophet Muhammad passed in front of her house , at time also the woman spit to him but one time when he passed in front of her house again he wait for the woman who spit him , he wait so long and when he look into her house . he saw that the woman was sick.
everyday I spit you “ And the prophet replied” yes , spitting you because you do not know about true Islamic . “ And then prophet Muhammad has forgiven her mistake , even she not say I’m sorry .
On the real situation now a day , we can applay this message , for example :
When I have a problem , I have no mistake and then I have forgive her even she not forgive me .
2 . Message from prophet Yusuf AS
• We must not jealous with
Prophet Yusuf have 12 brother but his father only love to prophet yusuf and the prophet yusuf very handsome that them . so his brother felt envywith him . One day they invited yusuf to forest . but in here prophet yusuf to push in the well , and then all of them back again to the house . And they tell to his father about prophet yusuf was eaten by wolf . so his father felt sad about him .
On the real situation now a day , we can apply this message for example :
I have one sister , she is more beautiful than me , and she always lucky than me . But I must not jealous with here because all of the people past give subsitence by allah and we must towork to get .
XII IA 1 / 2
1. Don’t Be Arrogan
DeleteEith arrogant they said prophet Shaleh :”Yhere is no torture for us. If you really a massage of Allah, surely you can cause have you threated to us.” Prophet Shaleh command them to ask forgiveness to Allah but they didn;y. they said to prophet Shaleh :”Hai Shaleh, why you don’t speed up, the torture ?
(The story same with daily live)
I ever make a mistake like Tsamud peole I have a good friend. She is very good to me. One day, I make mistake and she warn me don’t to do again. But I reprimand her and with arrogant I said to her :”I don’t need you advice because I can surmount my problem alone without your help. And I more clever than you. “My friend not angry but she remaind me not to say like that again because it can adverse my self. I don’t listen her but I mock ker lack. And conceited my excess.
2. Always remember to Allah and don’t be a rebellious people. Many people only remember to Allah when they have a problem but when they have enjoyment, they forget to Allah
Bani Israil people abused by Allah with arrival of long dry season a few tears there was no water at all, plats and animal dead. In this condition, they remember with prophet Ilyas. They come to him and ask to pray for rain fall. They promise to repent and follow prophet Ilyas lesson. Prophet Ilyas pray and rain fall. Agricultural lands back to normal. The atmosphere peacefull again. But when they get enjoyment, they forget with their promised and returned worship idols and do inquity
(the story same with daily live)
When I get a problem, I pray to Allah to give me someway to finish my problem. Allah heard and consent my praye. After lobg time, my problem finish. I promised not to repeat it. But when I get emjoyment, I will not thankful to Allah who have give me enjoyment.
A. (The Prophet Job. U.S.)
ReplyDeleteMoral massage
Humans constantly tested by God with a variety of trials. Quality of faith is the faith that endure a variety of trials / temptations.
Excerpts Stories
~ When the devil tried to destabilize his faith the Prophet Ayub in many ways, namely: the way livestock animals destroy the Prophet Ayub so, one by one farm animals lay dead Prophet Ayub was followed by the barns burned wheat and farmland destroyed.
~ The Devil shake - shake large and magnificent building in which there are children of Prophet Ayub that the building collapsed and the children's of the Prophet Ayub died.
~ Devil dusted leprosy all over his body, but Prophet Ayub, unshakeable faith the Prophet Ayub.
• Applications in my life
Many - times the ordeal had not been made and may also often used to get it back even more weight, but still was not able to cope. Until the quickest I've ever used Because it could not. Ask what dear god? no response was given to test again but this time in life's toughest test came back but this time in the heart believe that God is love, God from God's care then God gave the test again.
2. (Prophet Salih)
Moral Massage
The bad of a job well done man, they will immediately see the results (either small or large) and do not be arrogant.
Excerpts Stories
~ When Tsamud kills the magic camel, the Prophet Salih warned his people that their behavior was outrageous and asked them to immediately repetance due punishment of God will come. But his people arrogantly challenging the arrival of Allah, Allah gods finally came.
• Applications in my life
When a big gossip and insults from other people that makes the heart sick when we do not do it. Keep patience and surrender and believe everything will go back to him. After a long patience and confidence that patience finally get everything back 180 degrees on an insult, because he arrogantly told his ugliness and ugliness possible. So rest assured the pros and cons of a job will get immediate results.
3. (Adam and Eve)
Moral massage
Patience with faith in God will bring victory
Excerpts Stories
~ Adam and Eve down to earth because they end up eating the fruit khuldi on separate and distinct place that far down in the Land of Adam and Eve in the Land of Indian Arab. For many - years both looking for each other and wander from one place to another, the permission of Allah, they met in the desert looking for ARAFAH after each other during the 40th ±
• Applications in my life
My father used to say when there is a problem that makes me down and demoralized especially When there is a big problem yesterday. Patience, patience must be the patient will win. It is true when the problem occurred and I'm not ready to re-accept the repetition of God's just wait and pray waiting for the exam until the exam ends it ends by itself and I can win it. indeed be a very patient is difficult. many trials in my life
but I'm sure that God will provide the best for me
1. Prophet Ayyub
ReplyDeletealways be patient in all the time.
like prophet Ayyub, when he was sick, he always remember to Allah, and he always patient. Although he was sick, but he never forget Allah.
(In daily life)
we must always be patient, for exsample, when we get a bad score, we usually shock, but with get the bad score,we must believe that Allah give a test to us and behind of it, believe that there is a wisdom. so we must study hardly and always pray to Allah.
2. Keep the Promise
like Prophet Ayyub when he take a promise to his wife, 10 bit his wife until 100 bit, becausehis wife, leave him and come out from prophet Ayyub
(In daily Life)
We must keep the promise to everyone, Although it late, but we must keep it.
1. Don’t Be Arrogant
ReplyDeleteWiith arrogant they said prophet Shaleh :”there is no torture for us. If you really a massage of Allah, surelly you can cause have you threated to us.” Prophet Shaleh command them to ask forgiveness to Allah but they did’t. they said to prophet Shaleh :”Hai Shaleh, why you don’t speed up, the torture ?
(The story same with daily live)
I ever make a mistake like Tsamud peole I have a good friend. She is very good to me. One day, I make mistake and she warn me don’t to do again. But I reprimand her and with arrogant I said to her :”I don’t need you advice because I can surmount my problem alone without your help. And I more clever than you. “My friend not angry but she remaind me not to say like that again because it can adverse my self. I don’t listen her but I mock ker lack. And conceited my excess.
2. Always remember to Allah and don’t be a rebellious people. Many people only remember to Allah when they have a problem but when they have enjoyment, they forget to Allah
Bani Israil people abused by Allah with arrival of long dry season a few tears there was no water at all, plats and animal dead. In this condition, they remember with prophet Ilyas. They come to him and ask to pray for rain fall. They promise to repent and follow prophet Ilyas lesson. Prophet Ilyas pray and rain fall. Agricultural lands back to normal. The atmosphere peacefull again. But when they get enjoyment, they forget with their promised and returned worship idols and do inquity
(the story same with daily live)
When I get a problem, I pray to Allah to give me someway to finish my problem. Allah heard and consent my praye. After lobg time, my problem finish. I promised not to repeat it. But when I get enjoyment, I will not thankful to Allah who have give me enjoyment.
People born in the world for a pray to allah,but devil always mislead people so that people wrong way.
ReplyDeleteFrom story prophet Adam:
“ prophet adam live in heaven because someone(devil like human) ask Adam to eat khuldi fruit,Allah sent adam to go to world”
aplicated for nowday:
“many kid's in our country,if they parents ask to do something,the kid's never do directly and make other mistake for do it”
Don’t believe with someone directly that never met before you know about this someone.
From story prophet Adam :
“ Hawa meet with someone that play flute with well,and the someone said if he can do because he after eat khuldi fruit”
aplicated for nowday:
“nowday many people lie to get some money for themselves,and never looking around.”
If we do mistake we will can respond certainly.
From story prophet Adam :
“allah SWT ask prophet Adam because they don’t command from allah SWT to don’t eat Khuldi fruit”
aplicated for nowday:
If we do something with arrogant,we will get punishment from Allah.
From story prophet Nuh a.s :
“Allah give the biger flood because the human don’t care with attention prophet Nuh to don’t do arrogant things.”
aplicated for nowday:
“nowday many people coruption,because they arrogant with they job,and allah give punishment with jail in the world”
Nothing strong people in this world without help of Allah.
From story prophet Hud:
“actually, there is strong people in this world,but if Allah give punishment all of they will be die.”
aplicated for nowday:
“many people such a free man now,they arrogant with their power,but they get punishment,they can't even life with peace,because they have many enemy”
that's all for me,mom..
cintia novitasari
absent 28
Don’t be arrogant (Prophet Saleh)
DeleteAllah miracles have been lowered to prophet Saleh camel but the camel was killed by Thamud because they jealous the prophets Saleh.
They said to the Prophet Saleh: "O Salih! Camel had been killed, try to bring in what you say first will be a threat if the camel was tampered with, if you really include people who are quite correct in his words."
Application in my live :
I never arrogant to my parents, because I asked my dad picked up, but my father came too late. then I walk to the motorcycle base, but in the middle of my journey I've got a factory security guard. because I was pacing back and forth in the middle of the highway. I got home I get upset by my mother. because I did not come home at my father. but I do not receive the same mad mother, mother and I deny what he said we quarreled. angry because I was not satisfied as a mother, I vent my anger with no prayer and went to bed. do not want to know more about my parents.
(Prophet Solomon) moral value :
we must always thankful for the blessings given by God to us.
Since he was a boy of eleven, he already showed signs of intelligence, shrewdness, intelligence and accuracy in thinking in considering and taking a decision. Solomon was always thankful for the blessings she has received from God and never complained one bit.
I've never been thankful for the blessings that I can. But I began to realize ourselves, to always be grateful for the blessings given to me. Since third grade I began to thankful. because I always received my mother's cooking and all my friends . And I started to learn to appreciate it all given to me.
defi wahyuningsih
XII IA 1/ 32
ReplyDeleteMoral Messages:
> There are a secret behind secret.
There are purposes of Allah when Prophet Adam and Siti Hawa were separated when they down into the earth
> We must keep our spirit and be patience.
Prophet Adam and Siti Hawa continue their journey with patience in order to together again
> All given to us is the best from Allah.
Even though Prophet Adam and Siti Hawa separated, but that's the best from Allah
> All beautiful in its time.
Finally Prophet Adam and Siti Hawa can together again.
> Problems should not be a burden, but it should be a learning process towards better.
When Prophet Adam and Siti Hawa get many problems to be together again, there many learning that earned
Application in life:
Love. Problems that often make us confused, wavering, restless, agitated. Moreover, for young people not except my own. Young people often thought of ending his life just because they are heartbroken.
But what should be like that? Should we just moping because of this? Of course not!
We, especially my own to be sure that Allah is making a wonderful story because of this. ‘cause I belive that Allah will give something better than it. When my heart is broken, I tried to be patience,and willing to receive all given by Allah. I also continue to learn and learn from the problems I get. Now, Allah is also accelerate my heart to receive all of His ways that He gave. Because, Alhamdulillah, now I can feel the sincerity of it when I saw someone who I like with his girlfriend, Insya Allah. :)
I also believe if me and someone I love is destined, one day we will be united with Allah's wonderful ways. As Prophet Adam and Siti Hawa are reunited. However, if he is not my soul mate, I was okay. Because Allah will provide someone who is dedicated to my future.
And as Mam Din said that if someone we love has a boyfriend, do not disturb them. I only keep this feeling, and I dare not express itbecause girls are not allowed to start. Especially the problem of love.
In addition, I have to keep the spirit even though I'm in trouble. As much as possible I still smile in the face of problems. Because, not because of all beautiful, then we smile, but because we smile then all will become more beautiful. ^^
and I must keep spirit to catch my dreams ! ^^
prophet ayub : wise and humble
ReplyDeleteapplication on life : when we have a problem, and no one can help us, all we do is being patient and humble to everybody every time and everyday
prophet yusuf : Kind to everyone
application on life : In our life maybe we will be an bad person in people's eyes, and they tell us a very bad person or selfish, when they say that, don't you make it true, but be a kind man, and you make it everyday and everytime, after that people will know who you truly are
Abdurrohman B.S.H / XII IA 1/ 01
prophet Yahya : Being brave and wise to everyone
ReplyDeleteapplication on life : when someone do something bad but no one have a brave to tell him/her that what he/she doing is bad, do something to him/her that all that they do was wrong with a brave and wise too.
prophet Zakharia : Patient on every way and time.
application on life : if you have a bad test and you give up, don't do that, all we do is better and good, plus if you want to be a better one, you must try hard for every time you could.
Aris S P / XII IA 1/ 19
Bagas T P / XII IA 1 / 23
ReplyDeleteProphet Isa : Wise and Humble is the answer
application on life : In the way of our life, we always have a problem, and that problem make us frustrated, but why you frustrated if you can be a wise man, and be a icon in people's life.
Prophet Adam : Don't easy to tricked
ReplyDeleteapplication in life : when somebody (stranger) give you something, and you don't know him, but he force you to take it, don't easily take that, say something to denied it with a good word, and say thanks if that "thing" was a good stuff.
Berlian Y / XII IA 1/ 24
DEWI P.N / XII IA 1 / 38
ReplyDeleteMuhammad Prophet
- we must be patient like prophet muhammad when he splited by quraisy
be patient is my big enemy. yeah, because I think I never can be patient.. mostly when I got the problems a few months ago.. I felt that all the problems fall to me at the same time.
but, little by little I always try to be patient like Mam Din said to me :)
and yeah, I did it! :D
actually when I found new person in my life. someone whe colored my life again. someone who made me smile when he's not even trying :)
I realize that everything gonna be alright at the right time. and I must always smile because I know taht I'm beutiful when I smile :) hehe :D
Anny Indah W XII IPA 1
ReplyDeleteProphet Yusuf :-we as a Child must care about our parents
in story : Cover your clothes in your father eyes and he can see again
in real life :when my parents talk to me and when they give me a lesson, I as a Good child must listen it carefully.
Prophet Muhammad :All Problem can be solved by trust in God
In story : Prophet Muhammad when he make a Peace promise to Yahudiants
in real life : when I cannot see my father when he got sick for a long time, Im so sad and in that time my mother was sick too. I Pray to God and Hope to Him for My Parents health and no sick no more and promise can see my father because I never see my father since I was a Kid, and Now God give me a New Father and He more Good before my old father, but My new father have a Good relationship with my old father