Wisdom from XII LP
Wisdom can be learned from many ways, and one of them is from the prophets' stories. Prophets' stories are given in al Qur'an. There are some purposes or many purposes why they are given through al Qur'an. Generations by generations can learn so many lessons from the prophets in order that they can live happily and strive in the right ways.
Prophets' stories are the most wonderful stories that are suitable for all eras, so to those who like to learn wisdom from the prophets will find the true happiness, insyaallah.
Students, you can upload or write your wisdom that you have got from the prophets' stories after you have listened to your friends who told the stories or told the stories by yourselves here!
'love and wisdom' as the basic of my teaching - dianahera63@gmail.com - Ex- teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Purwosari, Pasuruan - Indonesia
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Dian Novita Sari ( 06 ) - XII_lp
ReplyDelete1. Moral value from prophet story of Ibrahim :
Al-haq : the goodness
ibrahim always respect their parents even though his father did not worship the gods
story of prophet Ibrahim :
prophet ibrahim hide his father's statue (god father) because ibrahim wanted to show that to be in worship is a god. but her father did not want to hear the words of the prophet ibrahim, and his father still considers that the statue as a god.
Application in my life:
when my parents do things that I do not like, I tried to tell him that it was contrary to my will. but my parents do not understand, and I tried to accept it.
2.Moral value from prophet story of ibrahim :
we have to take orders from God even though the command was not our wish.
story of prophet Ibrahim :
when the prophet of allah ibrahim had orders to kill his own son, he felt he had no choice. on the one hand, he loved his son, but on the other hand he also wants to prove that he really believed in god.
Application in my life :
when my mom told me to take majors in college, and majors are not as I want, but I still majored in what my mother told. because without the parents consent to what we want is not helpful.
ReplyDelete1.Moral value from prophet story of ADAM :
we should not be jealous of our own brothers
story of prophet adam :
when the children of the prophets adam that is labuda and qobil, qobil will be married but do not want to marry because he felt labuda ugly. But Habil his brother is married to a beautiful iqlima and qobil feel envious of Habil.
Application in my life :
when my mother gave gifts to my two little sisters, one brother and I feel jealous that my mother gave gifts berbeda.dan one of my sister does not want the prize, but he wanted to reward them.
2.Moral value from prophet story of Yusuf :
do not behave as if no need
story of prophet Yusuf :
prophet yusuf as a child abandoned by her brother for his good looks and kepandaiannya.suatu day prophet yusuf was appointed as minister. and when the prophet yusuf is rich, his brother came to see the prophet yusuf and ask for help.
Application in my life :
when my family in affluent neighboring state of being kind to my family. but when my family in a state of distress they even leave us. and would not help.
" Moral Value From The Story of Prophet Job (Ayyub)"
1.We should always be patient when God gives a trial in our lives.
~ Relationship with the story
When the devil turned off all domesticated livestock Prophet Job.
when his children died.
When iblis began to take revenge on Job's body and filled it with disease until it was reduced to mere skin and bone and he suffered sever pain.
But the Prophet Job remained faithful to God and the soled trust.it does not prejudiced the god.
~ Application in our life
when we do not liked or hated by our friends.we should not be angry with him because if we are angry it will not solved our the problem.better to be patient and pray that he or she be given awareness.
2.We should keep our promise
~ Relation with the story
When the Prophet Job keep his promise to strike his wife
~ Application in our life
sometimes we often promised to someone.but we also often did not keep their promised simply because of forgeted, being busy, again a lot of problems or other reasons.should we have to keep that promised because the promised is a debt which we unconsciously say to someone.
ReplyDelete"Moral value from prophet story"
1. Prophet Yaqub
~moral value
we should receive what given by Alloh for us altough it's not as our expect
~ relation with the story
Prophet Yaqub wanted merry with Rachel, how ever he merried with Layan, and he receive it. finally he got big happiness, he got many children from Rachel
~ application
whwn we want to continue our study but we can't, we should receive it with humble and believe that we can get big fortune from it.
2. prophet Yahya
~moral value
don't be afraid to say the truth altogh we speak with the authority one.
~ relation with the story
Prophet Yahya wasn't afraid when he told to king Herodus that it was forbidden to merried with his daughter. and he was killed.
~ application
just a simple example. When in our neighbourhood there is a head of group and he ask us to do something wrong, we should refuse it and tell that it is wrong.
1. Moral value => Goodness done by us will be usefull for us when we need it.
-relation with the story => prophet muhammad saw said :"i saw my peoople are getting rid of sparks from his face, then become the reward of his sincere donations because ALLAH SWT, then protect his head and his face from the danger fire".
-application => if we did something good, we will get something good too. but, if we did something bad. we will get something bad too.
-example => when we give a poor something good, as food, money or clothes. we will get something good too like reward from ALLAH SWT.
2. Moral value => we must keep silahturahmi with everyone.
=relation with the story => prophet muhammad saw said :"i saw my people try to talk a group of believers, but they didn't even reply to his speech, then become his silahturahmi and then called to them to welcome speech and spoke them to him".
-application => we must keep our silahturahmi with everyone, because it's will be usefull for us. like, when we are in trouble. we will get help from ALLAH SWT because we have been a good something. also we will get help from other person because we did keep silahturahmi with him/her.
Silfiasari / 37
ReplyDeleteProphet Moses
a. Moral Value
Don’t defend someone because he/she is your group but you must defend someone because he/she is right.
b. Story
There was two persons fight. They are a Egyptian and Israelite. When Prophet Moses saw Egyptian and Israelite fight, Prophet Moses defend Israelite because Israelite is his group. Phophet Moses kill Egyptian. Whereas, Prophet Moses didn’t know their problem.
c. Application
Now days, much group fight each other just because a mistake of two persons from two group. Example : Dian from SMANESA fight with Santi from SMANELA. Dian’s friend from SMANESA of course to defend Dian although Dian is wrong.
Prophet Yosef
a. Moral Value
Don’t be easy to be fluenced with flattery of the devil and don’t be easy to do our lust.
Zulaiha try to tempt Prophet Yosef in order to do her lust, but Prophet Yosef remember Allah and he refus the Zulaiha’s want.
c. Application
Now, many people are easy to be persuaded by devil because bad moral. Between boy and girl who do not married yet do something which cause the girl pregnant.
1. Moral value => Goodness done by us will be usefull for us when we need it.
-relation with the story => prophet muhammad saw said :"i saw my peoople are getting rid of sparks from his face, then become the reward of his sincere donations because ALLAH SWT, then protect his head and his face from the danger fire".
-application => if we did something good, we will get something good too. but, if we did something bad. we will get something bad too.
-example => when we give a poor something good, as food, money or clothes. we will get something good too like reward from ALLAH SWT.
2. Moral value => we must keep silahturahmi with everyone.
=relation with the story => prophet muhammad saw said :"i saw my people try to talk a group of believers, but they didn't even reply to his speech, then become his silahturahmi and then called to them to welcome speech and spoke them to him".
-application => we must keep our silahturahmi with everyone, because it's will be usefull for us. like, when we are in trouble. we will get help from ALLAH SWT because we have been a good something. also we will get help from other person because we did keep silahturahmi with him/her.
1. Prophet Adam
ReplyDelete> Aware our mistake
Before prophet Adam down to earth, he actually stayed at paradise with Hawa. But they tempted by satan, it was ate khuldi that forbidden by God. They realize their mistake and ask apologize to God.
> The application with our daily :
When we make a mistake to the others, we must confess our mistake and directly ask apologize to them, and also to Allah. Then, don’t repeat that fault.
2. Prophet Yunus
> Never give up
When prophet Yunus showed the people of Ninui to believe Allah, he felt give up because the people who followed his invitation to believe Allah just two persons. He left them without Allah command.
> The application with our daily :
Even we failed to get a perfect score, most of us feel down. But actually, we must always try and try until we get it. Because a failure will bring us to a successful.
>From prophet Jacob
ReplyDeletea. moral value
We must to fair with the other people.
Whwn prophet Jacob have four wifes, he fair to them and to his children.
At the time, I was ordered to makeover children in TPQ, but my younger sister want get my first, makeovered. Although I should fair to the other children. Who is come first to me so she were get my first.
>From Propet Ishaq
a. Moral Value
We must do the best for all.
The obidience of prophet Ishaq always bring dnlightenment to people.
One day, when there reoni l couldn't come because l should train dance,l saw with my friends that l couldn't come. They very dispointed. But, in out of mine, the students did the execise well. l'm so happy, because l could come without l should leave my obligation (they).
>From prophet Yusuf
a.Moral Value
We not be jelious more for our brother
When prophet Yusuf anfortunataly by father
c. Aplication
My mother ever buy for my brother some T-Shirt, I feel jelious, because I'm not buted too, I relize that my mother buy for my brother some T-Shirt because he more stuitable than me.
nur afifah / 22
ReplyDeleteMoral value from propet story of yusuf:
1. We shall not like to anyone more over to our parents.
Story of Prophet Yusuf.
“Yusuf would do anything when his brothers. Get him into the wheel, before the do that they loos Yusuf clothes. They kill animal and the blood tyey spilled tho yusufs clothes.when they going home they said to their father that yusuf was eafen by a wolf..........”
Applicasion in my live.
when i go home late.my father asked me where i go .but because i’m afrald i dont brave to say where i go i say if i from my friends home to study together .but in the fact i was play with my boy friend.
2. On our religion ,we shall not be jealous more over to our brother.
Story of prophet yusuf.
“.....prophet yusuf and bunyamin is the must loved by it’s parent .this make the other kids jealous.yusuf was so handsame,more handsame than any of his brother .he have a good body shape.mosthy when his mother passed away,his fhather love him more.”
Applicasion of my life :
When my mother give my sister a new clothes ,i felt jealous with my sister .because my mother didn’t give me a new clothes.i agry to my sister ,but after that my mother give me a new clothes too.
Prophet Musa
ReplyDelete-Moral value: Don't be easy to angry
-Relationship in the story:
When Prophet Musa saw two people was fought each other, he
came and separated them. But Prophet Musa kill one of
them,i order they were stoped fought.
-Relationship in our live:
When we know our friend be talked (gossip) about us, we
must be patient and don't be easy to angry with them.
because patient people will be loved by Allah.
Prophet Ismail
-Moral value: We must be obidient person
-Relationship in the story:
When his father (Ibrahim) dreamed that he must kill his son. Ismail believe that the dreamed was ordered by Allah. Then, Ismail obey with it, and willing killed by his father.
-Relationship in our Live:
When our parrent forbid us to not doing something wrong,
such us watch Television tonight. we must obey with
them,although we had waiting for long time that's movie.
By : Irmawati / XII-LP / 10
ReplyDeleteProphet Ayyub
Moral value :
1. We must remaint steadfast and patient trials.
• Many people whuch not steadfast if can trials. They are always complaining and despair but, there ia a faceto patient and tough to face trials. Ex: a lot of lost was left to his wife and yet we are required to wait because of the presence of God trials to test our patient.
2. Remain steadfast and faithful to the God.
• Although weare given a comfortable life, we remain grateful ang the frim establishment should not be arrogant with our faith in God affects our hard Devil.
Prophet Ya’qub
Moral value :
1. A hard worker
• Life he was raishung and forming, but he still diligently working to meet his family life. In our live there is someone who life like the prophet Ayyub, he remains diligent in not laly and satisfactory results.
2. Accept what is given by God.
• We accept what it is that has been given by God to us be it job marriage or other wise.
anything given to us we should be grateful!!
Rizky maulidia / 32
1. don't have negatif thinking to the other person.
I get this moral from Prophet Aaron story when Prophet Moses come back from mount Sinai and he found his clans are led by Prophet Aaron worship idols. Prophet Moses thinked that Prophet Aaron can't safely his clans perfectly. moreover , Prophet Aaron try to stop it. But, it always useless. Prophet Moses was angry and He touched Aaron's hair.
It also happen in fact. example in my life when I and my friends for the first time met. I look her style and I think that she was bad girl. I have negatif thinking to her. But after I know her more, she didn't like I think first.
The other example when my mother went to market at night and I think that she make something mistake. exactly, my mother just want to sold some fruit to order she get much money for me.
This moral is very usefull for me to change my self. so I can give positif thinking to the other person.
2. we must keep our promise.
I get this moral from Prophet Elijah story. The story tell about Baalbek people. When the disaster happened in Baalbek, people in Baalbek promise that they will be beliver of Allah , but after they get enjoyed their life of prosperity, they back worship idols.
I must study this lesson. It so difficult to keep my promise. After I make some mistake, I always say "I will not do it again". I promise to my self. But after that , I still have done.
Prophet Yunus
ReplyDelete@Aware about our mistake
@When prophet Yunus was eaten by whale, and actually on the stomach, he was still life. In there, he wes aware about his mistake about to leave the people. Because of it, God punished him. And when he was there, he said, ”God, show me the ways…”. And than God give him the second chance to life to show the people where is the right ways.
@From this story, we can take some conclusion that is we are in the under position and we don’t know what we have to do. Pray to God to show us, what is the right way, to pick up our position and pray the best thing will be happen. Insaallah God will listen us. And if you be helped, thanks full to God and remember. Without the kindness of Him, we will can’t stand up like now.
@Like when my friend get some problem, that he can’t solve it. He was doubt about his problem. I have remember my teacher told me, ”If you are doubt about your problem or you can’t solve it read … like Prophet Yunus has eaten by whale. He was read it for much time. And you should a ware about your mistake too”, said him. And I have told my friend about it. After one a day, he was told me that he has finished his problem because of what I have told him.
Prophet Ayyub
@When prophet Ayyub who has got a big test, like his property was taken by God, his children too. And the last are his wife. His wife didn’t too strong to feel this test. And said to prophet Ayyub, ”My honey, I’m, not too strong with this test. My children was taken by Him, our cattle was taken too. And now, He ‘punish’ me with your sickness. I’m not too strong!??”. “Listen, How long you life with a good life? And how long we have been living in misery? Eighty years with seven years! I was embarrassed”. Every things had evil do to make Prophet Ayyub didn’t believe to God, but he was still faithful.
@From this story, we can take some conclusion, “Be patient with what every thing is happen in your life”.
@And this story like what is happened in my life. Once upon a time, I have some problem that I can’t finished. When I did home work, suddenly the power in my house was turn of. Although I was typing until five paragraph to finished my new wrote. And I have not saved at the time. I want a angry. But I understood that the power of light in my house was low. And than I was turned again. And I was continued again, for the first. Until for a while, my little brother was come. He was disturbing me. So disturb!? But I was can control my emotion. In my opinion he just a child who don’t know any thing. And I was calm down again for the second time. And the last when my mom have instruction to turn of the computer. Oh my God!? It was make me ill! So my mom gave me permission to continued my wrote. After that I have upload my wrote. And what next? Just 50 people was like my wrote. Sometimes in my wrote at least 150 people like my wrote. Maybe because of the process to make this wrote I have not too be patient. From this story, I get some conclusion, if I haven’t finished my wrote, I should understand that God show me the right ways. But I didn’t chose this way. Finally, I was disappointed.
@mzalim maka takkan abadilah
ReplyDelete1. What we have now, not as long as we will have it,
Like Prophet Nuh, he sincere to lost his son, because his son prefer to choose with people who never believe on Prophet Nuh
• In daily life, we usually can’t lost what we have, like our boy/girl friend, because we love him/her very much, but as we know, that he/she willn’t make a good relation with us.
Sometimes they learn us a negative, done like kissing, etc.
From that we must choose him/her or we must leave him/her to our goodness. Because all they do us, not as long as liked by Allah.
2. Always be patient
Like Prophet Nuh, he always get a mock by people when he was build the ark. But he always be patient and it make Prophet Nuh get a new spirit to build the ark fastly, because a truly will show the truth.
• In daily life, if we get a mocked by our friend because of our body, or anything else.
We must always be patient, because all Allah give to us was better to us. They mock us, I think they was jealous with us. Always believe that Allah love a patient people very much.
Pratiwi Novidayanti (27)
Moral Value : Be the person who has good morals and patient. If anyone had made a mistake, we must remind him and take him to the right way.
Relation with the story : Prophet Ibrahim invites his father to worship God, but he refused. His father was still worshiped inanimate objects (idols). Ibrahim tried as hard as possible, but he even insulted. Ibraham could only be patient and leave his father.
Application : there was a boy who was obedient worship. he has a father who likes to gamble. A boy prohibited his father not to do it again and invite him to look for honest labor. But his father became angry and refused to hear his son's advice. He was just quiet because he knows a child should not be disrespectful to parents
Moral Value : strengthen your faith. Don’t easily influenced by the incitement of the devil. Be sincere and patient in dealing with the trials of God.
Relation with the story : Prophet Aiyub remain obedient to Allah and be patient even though he didnt have any asset in the world. There was a devil who want to incited him to not worship God, but Prophet Aiyub not affected.
Application : A man who has a hard disease until he was unable to get up. But he can still run his worship and pray to God to heal faster. Several years later, he recovered and able to run the day-to-day. However, he didnt forget God. He was more diligent in worship.
ULFA (39)
ReplyDelete"Moral value of Prophet Adam"
1. We should always be held responsible if we had made a mistake.
relation with the story : Prophet Adam and Hawa felt guilty for breaking commandments of Allah. fault of the prophet that Allah punished Adam and Hawa to come down to earth. they willingly accept the punishment.
Application : I was ever late to collect the duties. my teacher angry and punish me by giving me another assignment. I was responsible for the assignment because I feel guilty.
2. Don't be envious
relation with the story : Qabil was jealous of Habil married Iqlima. because of Setan's temptation, eventually Qabil killed Habil when habil grazing cattle.
Application : a girl feel jealous because his friend was the girl of the rich. her friend have all that can not be owned by a girl. she was not able to fulfill all his wishes because of poor parents. as tempted by the devil whisper, she determined to steal what belongs to her friend. unfortunately her actions were known by their friends. because doing so and eventually she should be punished in prison.
"Moral value of prophet Yusuf"
1. Don't feel envious of our own brothers.
relation with the story : the tenth brother of yusuf enter yusuf in the well. they do it because only the most loved yusuf their father.
application : I ever felt jealous of my friend because test scores are better than me.
2. Help those who need our help.
relation with the story : While in prison, the prophet yusuf help interpret the king's dream.
Application : There is a grandmother on the street who want to cross. then there is a man who approached him, he helped the old woman was crossing the street.
Rendita Evilia (30)
ReplyDelete1.prophet Hud
when the prophet Hud told the Aad people to believe in God, but they do not want to believe, and they asked the prophet Hud "why they should believe in God"
>> aplication
when someone speak to us, we must listend him/her, because oneday we require other people for listend us.
2. prophet Muhammad
when prophet Muhammad was sent by Allah to be a prophet of all people and make people to believe in Allah, but prophet Muhammad did not discriminate other religions as long as they are still in the true doctrine of God
when we have friend of other faiths, we should not be arrogant and mocking him/her
Moral Value
ReplyDeleteProphet Adam :
@ Never did a bad thing to our brother or sister when she or he got a good thing altough we couldn’t get it.
In the story :
- Qobil killed Habil when he knew that Habil will be married with Iklima and Qobil will be married with Labuda. Qobil wanted to married with Iklima because Iklima more beautiful than Labuda.
Application in our life :
- Someday my younger sister got a new bag from my parents because she could get first rank on her class and I didn’t get it, that bag looked very nice and I wanted it too. But I should proud to my younger sister because she could get good mark on her lesson. And that meant I should be sincere too.
Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) :
@ We should be sincere altough we gave or sacrifice our lovely thing.
In the story :
- Prophet Abraham sincere to slaughter his lovely son to obey God’s command.
Application in our life :
- When I was a child I had a music box and I got it from my aunt when she went to America. That was my lovely thing much. Everyday I brought it everywhere, I never forgot it. Until one day, my sister from different city came to my house and knew it, so she wanted too. First I felt never sincere to gave it to her but I should be sincere. Finally I gave my lovely thing to my sister and I sincere received it.
saidah nuraini H. (34)
ReplyDeletePropet Elijah
Moral value : grateful
when the prophet ilyas had been praying for them, and they have been given a pleasure, but they were not grateful. and God gives punishment to them.
Aplication : we shall always be grateful for the blessings that have been provided to us. because God has said "if you want to be grateful to me (god) and I will add favor to you. but on the contrary, if you do not thank me (god) so my punishment is painful.
Propet muhammad
Moral value :patient
when the prophet Muhammad will went to the mosque, and on the road, the prophet muhammad pelted with dirt of cow, the prophet Muhammad remained patient and did not seek revenge.
Aplication : we must be patient if there are people who mock or insult us, because the patient can prevent the onset of hostilities.
prophet ilyas
ReplyDelete1. We must to be thanksfull to Allah for the prosperity, because Allah said "If you thanksfull, Allah will gave more it, but if you not thanksfull, so punishment from Allah is very sharp".
*In the story :
The people of prophet Ilyas in Baalbek is not thanksfull their prosperity, so Allah came back the big more disaster.
*Application in my life:
I ever not thanksfull to Allah, If I have a probleme I also often sad and give up. The fact, my probleme is not well done, but I'm get more big probleme. So that, I'm try patient and thanks, because I know if Allah gave probleme to people is not exceed the power of his servant.
*In the story :
The people in Baalbek was disavow their promised, after their get a big disaster, their promised to prophet Ilyas for worshiped to Allah and saw his people sad prophet Ilyas asked to Allah to gave the run down, and Allah down it,, but after their gave all it, their back broken.
*Apllication in my life
In ever disavow my promise, because I can't come in friend's house.
-->When my friends invited me to came in her celebration, I was promised to came, but the fact I can't came. I feel guilty to my friends, and I was apologize.
Choirun Nisa (03)
ReplyDelete1. Prophet Job
@ we should be patient when we faced a problem
Application :
When my paent told me to take care of my little brother I try the best to be patient because my brother was so noisy and always try to hurt me with throwed his toys on me, throw food on the floor so I have to clean it up
that was need a lot of patient.
2. prophet adam
@ faithfull to our couple
When I have a relationship with somebody, I always try to be faithfull on him and Didn't look for another guy :)
Defi Wulandari / 4
ReplyDeleteProphet Noah
moral value:
we must obedient with our parents.because every the commanded or said parents,it is good for by your self.
prophet Noah to invite the son named Kan'an run went to top the mountain.Prophet Noah called his son to climb on the ark.but his son to refuse and select on the hill for to save be self.
like the story Malin Kundang is not obedient to his mother.finally he is to curse make a stone.
Prophet Jesus
moral value:
how ever given a trial we must be patient.
Maryam contains prophet Jesus.he is considered to have committed adultery with a man without being married.and the subject of gossip by people around.but he remains patient and steadfast to face trial.
nowdays,if we are given a few trials it was difficult to complain and desperate to God.
maulidiyah mahardika 16
ReplyDelete1. prophet dzulkifly
prophet dzulkifly always be patient when syetan disturb him in the night. weares, he feel very tired.
like in my life...
i must be patient when allah give me test. when i lost my flashdisk and i lost flashdisk of my friends. i have positive thinking that allah want to know how about my patient and i must think that some one who are they more need the flashdisk than me...
2. prophet harun.
don't have negative thinking to other person. like musa thinked that harun can't safely his ethnic group perfectly.
in my life...
i have negative thinking to my friend that he lied to me. i don't like to see him. some one say to me that he make friends with me just for something. i angry with him. but, in another day...he can show me that he is true and i'm false. so isay sorry to him and we are be come friend again...
Nurul Fauziah Asal
ReplyDeleteXll LP-26
Moral message from Prophet Yahya:
1. Save your honour (not easy to flattered by the others).
In the story, Prophet Yahya was very pious. Although Hirodia was flattered him until bared, but he never influence with the beauty of Hirodia. He felt that she was an immoral person.
The application with our daily
We must be carefull wherever we’re, and always save our honour, because nowadays many criminality that was happened especially to the teenagers like lost the virginity.
From Prophet Ayyub
2. We must be patient on face a problem.
In the story, Prophet Ayyub given a scabby by god. Although the people chased away him until his own wise also go away from him, but Prophet Ayyub always patient even he return the margot that was felt down. Prophet Ayyub also given an apologize for his wife after she come back to him.
The application with our daily
We must not complaint to our god although we get a heavy test. We must know that our god always loved us. And believe that there are still many people that have more heavy than us. Nowadays, many people that lost their emotion’s control.so, most of them choose to be died than get the problem with wrong way, like Suicide, althugh they was know that the way was hat by our god.
iia setyowati(09)
ReplyDeletemoral value from prophet David:
1. Never forget to be grateful,
as the prophet David in building the Baitul Maqdis as a form of gratitude to God that are not measurable.
@ in our life, we must always be gratefullpesons.
like as,in traditional of Java,many people hold tasyakuran as thanksgiving to allah.
always charity,, and help each other peoplethat more than need.
2. In doing bold and responsible,
as the prophet David, when faced with a cruel king and Goliath was bigger than him who thinks he is god, and was responsible for the kingdom when he replaced the king thalut that he defeated.
@ the higher our position, its also the higher is our responsibility.
now, many people just have higher position without think about his responsibility. their never thing others people, just to thing him self ans his family.
so that allpeople the upper class think their is man without ethics and selfish, only concerned with power. and many people foretting Allah that great to see and knowing.
so,we must be responsibility persons.
najuwa ( 18 )
Deletemoral value from prophet muhammad saw
1. " we must keep silahturahni with everyone ."
prophet muhammad said : " i saw my people try to talk a group of believers, but they didnt even reply to his speech, then become his silahturahmi and than called to them to welcome speech and spoke them to him ."
# example : if we keep silahturahmi with everyone,,it can fix our fraternity like, if we visited someone was sick. and than keep silahturahmi with everyone it same that we keep our subsistence from Allah SWT.
2. " Allah SWT always forgive our creature."
Prophet Muhammad said : "I have seen one of my people have been coming by angel of death, with a poor condition to take his life. but the angel abstructed his actions were caused by the obedience to his parents."
# Example : if someone has much sin and he will repetance, so Allah swt forgive him. And if our parents forgive our mistake, it same that Allah swt forgive our mistake.
Deleteabout prophet Ishaq:
1. moral value: be a good leader.
Application: when i to be a leader, i try give the good example for my member.
2. moral value: if you have good position,you must do the best for all.
application: when i get good possition in a organitation i to be a secretary. if i have a god, i always to consider it's not important so i must do the best.
Mega Tri Anjani
ReplyDelete1. Prophet Huth
Moral value: we must listen the other people.
When my neighbor give suggestion for me, I never care about it. I think it’s not important but unfortunately it’s important. Now I am conscious that I must listen the other people.
2. Prophet Ishaq
Moral value: if you always do everything is good, you will get good things to.
I always according my mother’s good instruction. So I get good everything.
1. moral messages from prophet Zakariah : we should keep try and pray to reach something. it's showed when prophet zakariah want to get a child to continue his task for lead bani israel to the true way. he keep try and always pray to God and finally he get a child. it can apply in our life. when we want to reach something for example when we want to be first rank in our class, we should study hard but without forgetted our God.
ReplyDelete2. moral messages from prophet Zakariah : don't be easy for believing someone's persuaded. because it's not always the true thing. in the story of prophet zakaria it's showed from herodia who persuaded the king to kill prophet yahya and prophet zakaria. it can apply in our life. we should be can choose something wrong and right for our life. for example when we want to continue our study in university, we should keep it in our self, we do not to following our friend who ask us to follow them. we should be can choose the better thing from farious side.
1@moral message from prophet Muhammad's story.
ReplyDelete-we have tobe patient person
in that story tell when prophet Muhammad bullied by Yahudi,but he stay quiet,without angry.
-how to apply in our life?
when we get a prolem,we have to patient,we mot allowed to angry. because angry cant solve our problem.
2@moral message from prophet Zakatia's story
-we should respect our leader.
-when prophet zakaria ask bani israel to pray. they pray because they respect their leader.
-how to apply in our life?
it's can be apply in our life when our teacher ask us to do a task or homework. we have to done it because it's also for our better life
We should be a fair person
ReplyDelete( the story of Prophet Shalih )
>>> when Prophet Shalih showed his miracle to the Thamud people, then Prophet Shalih told them when a she camel take the water , all of thamud people didn’t allowed to take the water too..
>>> we’ve to be fair when we make a decision. For example , when the justice try to solved the client’s problem , they ‘ve to be fair to give the punishment for their clients..
We have to sacrifice even it hard.
( the story of Prophet Ibrahim)
>>> in that story , it showed when Prophet Ibrahim sacrifice his son even he lost his son, Prophet Ismail allowed his father ( Prophet Ibrahim ) to kill him
>>>we have to sacrifice what we have to get our wish. When we want something before we got it we have to sacrifice our time, money and anything we have to sacrifice.
Siti Mahmudah
ReplyDeletemoral value from prophet :
- from prophet daud/david
.never forget to grateful
proof :
in the story, as a form gratitude david and solomon built the shrine and he call it is baitul maqdis.
the application with our daily :
we must also grateful to god, because with grateful we can get more gift from god.
proof :
he was responsible for the kingdom when he replaced the king thalut that he defeated.
the application with our daily :
we must be responsible when we do anything, because when we do anything with responsible we can be wise people.
ReplyDeletemoral value of Prophet Muhammad SAW
1. be patient !!!!
almost everyday Prophet Muhammad passed in front of unbeliever's house, and he spit on prophet. Finally, when he passed again in front of his, prophet didnt see him. and exactly unbeliever was sick. prophet came to visit and prayed for him.
the application in my life :
when i was walking with my friend side my junior high school, suddenly there was a man riding on his motorcycle, and spitted on me. but i could pray to the God to opened his heart.
2. be honest !!!
when prophet was helping his uncle to sold his loads, prophet told the flabbiness and the unflabbiness of the load.
the application in my life :
when my mother asked question about the payment of book in my school, i told her the really coast to her.
Dewi Yulistianah
ReplyDeleteMoral Velue of Pophet Ilyasa (Elisha)
1. Always obey and follow whatis being taught by a teacher.
The proof from the story :
In preaching he hold on to the syari'ah and the methods of his teacher, Prophet Ilyas.
The application in our life :
when our teacher give good advice, we must obey and follow it. because that is for our goodness.
2.We must be sure that there will be adverse consequences if we don't hear and didn't carry out the orders of our teacher.
The proof from the story :
The story told that the people of Prophet Ilyasa didn't want to hear the call of Ilyasa, and they are took the extraordinary drought.
The application in our life :
For example, when we want hangout with our friends and our parents don't permit us to go, but we still go although we didn't given permission. And certainly there is will be somethings wrong happen to us.
1 @ he is a prophet who received the title as the prophet of a patient in my opinion.
ReplyDeleteEvidence = when the devil tempt the prophet Job, and all the evil tactics have been deployed but the prophet Job's faith remained terjaga.patient prophet Job is very difficult to imitate by human being today.
2 @ sincerity
Prophet Job as taught me about the sincerity, he has always received all of which have been determined qodar gods, perhaps in chooshng the ideal should be the ability and desire me, but my fate would have to follow the words of my brother and my parents for not studying at SNMPTN because I was advised to go I can not actually accounting mathematics and later I'll accept all this with sincerity for the happiness of parents and my family even though I have to sacrifice my ideals in literature and language.
When he heard the taunts of friends joking prophet job teaches us to be sincere as I am sure that it is not the person insulting but devil jin and sincerity that has tantalized us if we are to pray for those who have insulted us, then we will get a sin as well.
@ 3.kindness / not arrogant
The story of the prophet Job provide valuable instruction for my life, that the treasure we have right now will never be eternal and immutable as are all human beings masanya.so we should not be arrogant, and too much in the affairs of God's harta.all that we are only at di titipi by god, all given to us will go back to him, so that makes my heart at peace because I no longer have to complain of my lack of appeal in other people because I believe that the property they already have now is a surrogate god, and one day god will also be take it from our side, including the family.
@ 4 devotion
The prophet Job teaches us to keep the devotion which we have, although the temptation of the devil and the devil is so terrible, but with a strong devotion to God and our faith then we will pasti saved from the temptations of Satan the accursed.
@ Thinking positive
The Prophet Job has always taught me about positive thinking with the things that make us sad, disappointed, even suffering, when God allows Satan to tempt Job prophet by his children died and their possessions are gone, but the prophet Job still I do not blame God, but Satan have been instigating prophet Job disguised as a friend and then say "" O job, have you seen your sons to die? It is clear job, that God does not accept worship during this time. "
But prophet job still, think positive to the gods and then respond by answering syeitan words of "God who gives and him also who take that back." It's very heart and soul of the prophet Job, the story of her story I was more calm in a life of total with this difficulty.
@ 6 sincerity
The prophet Job teaches sincerity to his people in various times, he worshiped with sincere and honest, he sincerely accept the trials of his health when disrupted, although god of suffering severe pain, but he still worship the almighty god of the sincerity of the prophet Job was an example that we should in worship and doing good we should not expect rewards or reward for what we have done, in fact God's infinite justice even if we do not ask for any but god will give.such as sincerity that we give to God who created us.
a) moral value from prophet Zakharia : Patient on every way and time.
ReplyDeleteapplication on life :
If you have a problem, never give up, because problem is one method to make you be better. So you must finished your problem if you want to be better person.
b)moral value from prophet Ayyub: Keep the Promise
like Prophet Ayyub when he take a promise to his wife, 10 bit his wife until 100 bit, becausehis wife, leave him and come out from prophet Ayyub
aplication on life
We must keep the promise to everyone, Although it late, but we must keep it. Because promise is debt.
Nama : Nur Wakhidiatur Ramadhan
DeleteProphet Daud
0n prophet Daud story, we can get some m0ral values:
"don't be greedy and arrogant with our mine, because everything is never everlasting."
ex: there was a pers0n who pr0ud with his/her treasure and his/her performance, but he/she didn't realize that his/her mine is n0t his/her mine..
"don't pr0ud rapidly with our strength and our kn0wledge because there were many people that m0re the best fr0m us"
ex: there was a pers0n who feel that he/she was the best fr0m other, so he/she was sh0w off about his/her kn0wledge.
Nama : Rossy Maulidiyah
DeleteProphet Muhammad
When Prophet Muhammad SAM giving the lesson about islam, he always consider as most important his people. One day when he devout in a mosque and be a imam (captain). Every mation of his body heard some think odd. After that the best friend of prophet Muhammad SAW asked about that and he told prophet Muhammad best friend that he was great. But when the best friend of Muhammad hug him, he knew that in the body of Prophet Muhammad there were many rock which stringed for prop up his belly. Prophet Muhammad never eating because he always consider as his people who needed the foods for eat. He didn't think about himself and always fasted to add his devout, because of that he's belly was so thin as a rail.
so we must always greatfull about livelihood which giving to us by Allah
And we should be consider as most important than our self. Like as prophet Muhammad do, No matter he felt hungry but his people necessity was fulfilled.
One day I have one thousand rupiahs, just enough to pay bus transportation to go back from my school. when I walked to the bus halte, in the street I met with the old woman, she look so sad and confuse, she hold her stomach, when I ask what happen? she told me that she never eat began 3 day later. I really shock and then I gave her my money and I have a plan to walk until my home. but Allah helped me. I met with my neighbour I was so happy. :)