Friday, April 1, 2011


            Ethel can never fix anything around the house. In fact, everybody tells her she’s “all thumbs.” She wishes she were more mechanically inclined. If she were more mechanically inclined, she would be able to repair things around the house by herself.
            Robert can’t dance very well. In fact, all the girls he goes out with tell him he has “two left feet.” Robert wishes he could dance better. If he could dance better, he wouldn’t feel so self-conscious when he goes out dancing.
            Maria is having a hard time learning English. She’s having a lot of trouble with English grammar and pronunciation. Maria wishes she had a “better ear” for languages. If she had a “better ear” for languages, she probably wouldn’t be having so much trouble in her English class.

Try to match the following expressions with the descriptions on the right!
1.    He’s handy around the house.
2.    She has a green thumb.
3.    He’s very nosey.
4.    She shoots from the hip.
5.    He’s all heart.
6.    They’ve got a lot on their shoulders.
7.    He’s up in arms.
8.    She always keeps her chin up.
a.    Very angry
b.    Very honest and blunt
c.    Optimistic
d.    Knows how to fix things
e.    Has many responsibilities
f.     Good at gardening
g.    Very kind
h.    Asks about other people

Are you “all thumbs? Do you have “two left feet?” Everybody has a few things he or she would like to do better. What do you wish you could do better? Why?

taken from Side by Side Book 4; Steven J. Molinsky/Bill Bliss 

1 comment:

  1. 1d

    i am always dificult to express what i what and what i am saying. and sometimes make people around me are very dificult to understand. i wish i had a tapering lips and strong heart so it doesn't make me always hesistate to say what i want.
    i wish i had a selfish heart, so i do not always thought about other people's feelings when i said seomething. because of that my heart is always feels so became dificult to say what i want. because i always thought that i should said good to make other people feels comfort with me. and sometimes its make me oppressed.


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